Monday - March 17, 2025
State Tipoffs Involving Nebraska Newsletter for Sunday June 18, 2023 ( 8 items )  

Iowa Gov. Reynolds Joins Letter to Congress Urging Congress to Protect Ag Industry
DES MOINES, Iowa, June 14 -- Gov. Kim Reynolds, R-Iowa, issued the following news release and a letter on June 13, 2023: Today, Gov. Kim Reynolds joined 10 other Republican governors in a letter to congressional leadership to support the reintroduction of the Exposing Agricultural Trade Suppression Act, a bill that would uphold the Commerce Clause of the Constitution by preventing states from impeding interstate agricultural trade. Governor Reynolds and Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen lead the coa  more

Neb. Gov. Pillen Invites Nebraskans to Register for the 2023 Ag & Economic Development Summit, Headlined by Trev Alberts
LINCOLN, Nebraska, June 13 -- Gov. Jim Pillen, R-Nebraska, issued the following news release: Governor Jim Pillen, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED), and the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) encourage Nebraskans to register for the Governor's Ag and Economic Development Summit. This year's event will take place August 8-9, 2023, at the Younes Conference Center North in Kearney. Registration for the Summit is now open at Trev Alberts, Director  more

Neb. Gov. Pillen Joins Governors in Urging Congress to Protect Ag Industry
LINCOLN, Nebraska, June 15 -- Gov. Jim Pillen, R-Nebraska, issued the following news release on June 14, 2023 and a letter: Today, Governor Jim Pillen joined with Republican governors in urging congressional leaders to support the reintroduction of the Exposing Agricultural Trade Suppression Act, a bill that would uphold the Commerce Clause of the Constitution by preventing states from impeding interstate agricultural trade. Governor Pillen and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds are leading the coaliti  more

University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Husker Wheat Research Focuses on Partnerships, Interdisciplinary Collaboration
LINCOLN, Nebraska, June 16 (TNSres) -- The University of Nebraska Lincoln campus issued the following news release: * * * Over the generations, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has been a key partner of Nebraska wheat producers. That connection has bolstered crop productivity and enhanced disease resistance. It's transformed farming methods, promoting environmental sustainability. Present-day Husker faculty salute this legacy and are building on it. * * * Larry Flohr, a Deuel County produc  more

University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Husker Wheat Researchers are Pursuing a Range of Innovations
LINCOLN, Nebraska, June 16 (TNSres) -- The University of Nebraska Lincoln campus issued the following news release: * * * In the lab and in the field, Husker scientists are building on the university's wheat research legacy through a range of innovations. * * * Those advances include upcoming wheat varieties, innovations via on-farm research, and greater use of crop simulations via computer modeling. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln also will launch ongoing research activity into triticale  more

University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Marquette's Longhenry Named Director of Sheldon Museum of Art
LINCOLN, Nebraska, June 17 (TNSper) -- The University of Nebraska Lincoln campus issued the following news release: Susan Longhenry, director and chief curator of the Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University, has been named the next director of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Sheldon Museum of Art. The appointment, effective Aug. 15, was announced June 16 by Chancellor Ronnie Green. "Susan Longhenry is an innovative leader of academic-based museums who offers a proven background in  more

University of Nebraska: Minimal Tuition Increase Highlights Proposed 2023-24 University Budget
LINCOLN, Nebraska, June 16 (TNSsel) -- The University of Nebraska issued the following news release on June 15, 2023: The University of Nebraska will need to implement a bold plan to strategically redeploy its resources in order to close its budget shortfall while advancing its highest priorities of affordability, academic competitiveness and operational efficiency, under a recommended 2023-24 budget released today by President Ted Carter. Carter's proposed operating budget, which will be cons  more

Wayne State College: Drew Kurtenbach Named New Esports Head Coach
WAYNE, Nebraska, June 13 (TNSper) -- Wayne State College issued the following news release: * * * Wayne State's new Esports head coach commends the tradition of excellence that Wayne State has established in just a few years. * * * Wayne State College is proud to announce the hiring of Drew Kurtenbach as the college's new Esports head coach. Wayne State competes in collegiate Esports through the National Esports Collegiate Conference (NECC). Esports is part of a robust collection of club sp  more