Federal Independent Agencies
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NASA Starling and SpaceX Starlink Improve Space Traffic Coordination
WASHINGTON, March 27 -- NASA issued the following news release:
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NASA Starling and SpaceX Starlink Improve Space Traffic Coordination
As missions to low Earth orbit become more frequent, space traffic coordination remains a key element to efficiently operating in space. Different satellite operators using autonomous systems need to operate together and manage increasing workloads. NASA's Starling spacecraft swarm recently tested a coordination with SpaceX's Starlink constellation, demonstrating a potential solution to enhance space traffic coordination.
Led by the Small Spacecraft Technology
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WASHINGTON, March 27 -- NASA issued the following news release:
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NASA Starling and SpaceX Starlink Improve Space Traffic Coordination
As missions to low Earth orbit become more frequent, space traffic coordination remains a key element to efficiently operating in space. Different satellite operators using autonomous systems need to operate together and manage increasing workloads. NASA's Starling spacecraft swarm recently tested a coordination with SpaceX's Starlink constellation, demonstrating a potential solution to enhance space traffic coordination.
Led by the Small Spacecraft Technologyprogram at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley, Starling originally set out to demonstrate autonomous planning and execution of orbital maneuvers with the mission's four small spacecraft. After achieving its primary objectives, the Starling mission expanded to become Starling 1.5, an experiment to demonstrate maneuvers between the Starling swarm and SpaceX's Starlink satellites, which also maneuver autonomously.
Coordination in Low Earth Orbit
Current space traffic coordination systems screen trajectories of spacecraft and objects in space and alert operators on the ground of potential conjunctions, which occur when two objects exceed an operator's tolerance for a close approach along their orbital paths. Spacecraft operators can request notification at a range of probabilities, often anywhere from a 1 in 10,000 likelihood of a collision to 1 in 1,000,000 or lower.
Conjunction mitigation between satellite operators requires manual coordination through calls or emails on the ground. An operator may receive a notification for a number of reasons including recently maneuvering their satellite, nearby space debris, or if another satellite adjusts its orbit.
Once an operator is aware of a potential conjunction, they must work together with other operators to reduce the probability of a collision. This can result in time-consuming calls or emails between ground operations teams with different approaches to safe operations. It also means maneuvers may require several days to plan and implement. This timeline can be challenging for missions that require quick adjustments to capture important data.
"Occasionally, we'll do a maneuver that we find out wasn't necessary if we could have waited before making a decision. Sometimes you can't wait three days to reposition and observe. Being able to react within a few hours can make new satellite observations possible," said Nathan Benz, project manager of Starling 1.5 at NASA Ames.
Improving Coordination for Autonomous Maneuvering
The first step in improving coordination was to develop a reliable way to signal maneuver responsibility between operators. "Usually, SpaceX takes the responsibility to move out of the way when another operator shares their predicted trajectory information," said Benz.
SpaceX and NASA collaborated to design a conjunction screening service, which SpaceX then implemented. Satellite operators can submit trajectories and receive conjunction data quickly, then accept responsibility to maneuver away from a potential conjunction.
"For this experiment, NASA's Starling accepted responsibility to move using the screening service, successfully tested our system's performance, then autonomously planned and executed the maneuver for the NASA Starling satellite, resolving a close approach with a Starlink satellite," said Benz.
Through NASA's Starling 1.5 experiment, the agency helped validate SpaceX's Starlink screening service. The Office of Space Commerce within the U.S. Department of Commerce also worked with SpaceX to understand and assess the Starlink screening service.
Quicker Response to Changes on Earth
The time it takes to plan maneuvers in today's orbital traffic environment limits the number of satellites a human operator can manage and their ability to collect data or serve customers.
"A fully automated system that is flexible and adaptable between satellite constellations is ideal for an environment of multiple satellite operators, all of whom have differing criteria for mitigating collision risks," said Lauri Newman, program officer for NASA's Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis program at the agency's headquarters in Washington.
Reducing the time necessary to plan maneuvers could open up a new class of missions, where quick responses to changes in space or on Earth's surface are possible. Satellites capable of making quicker movements could adjust their orbital position to capture a natural disaster from above, or respond to one swarm member's interesting observations, moving to provide a more thorough look.
"With improved access and use of low Earth orbit and the necessity to provide a more advanced space traffic coordination system, Starling 1.5 is providing critical data. Starling 1.5 is the result of a successful partnership between NASA, the Department of Commerce, and SpaceX, maturing technology to solve such challenges," said Roger Hunter, program manager of the Small Spacecraft Technology program. "We look forward to the sustained impact of the Starling technologies as they continue demonstrating advancements in spacecraft coordination, cooperation, and autonomy."
NASA Ames leads the Starling projects. NASA's Small Spacecraft Technology program within the Space Technology Mission Directorate funds and manages the Starling mission.
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Original text here: https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/ames/nasa-starling-and-spacex-starlink-improve-space-traffic-coordination/
USCIRF Releases 2025 Annual Report
WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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USCIRF Releases 2025 Annual Report
Washington, DC - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today released its 2025 Annual Report. The report documents religious freedom conditions in 2024 and recommends policy to the White House, Congress, and State Department to advance freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) abroad. Congress mandated USCIRF's Annual Report in the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998.
"As repressive
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WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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USCIRF Releases 2025 Annual Report
Washington, DC - The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) today released its 2025 Annual Report. The report documents religious freedom conditions in 2024 and recommends policy to the White House, Congress, and State Department to advance freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) abroad. Congress mandated USCIRF's Annual Report in the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998.
"As repressivegovernments and violent entities attack and drastically erode freedom of religion or belief, USCIRF's independent reporting and bipartisan recommendations have never been more critical to U.S. foreign policy," said USCIRF Chair Stephen Schneck. "The U.S. government must continue to stand firm against these threats against the universal right of religious freedom."
"Despite the escalating threats to freedom of religion or belief, there is real opportunity to stave off any retreat of this fundamental freedom and, if pursued with energy and determination, to advance it," said USCIRF Vice Chair Meir Soloveichik. "Religious freedom is a clear priority of the United States. USCIRF's 2025 Annual Report points the way forward for policy that advances religious freedom in a fast-changing world."
Highlights from the 2025 Annual Report include:
* Sixteen countries recommended to the Secretary of State for designation as Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) for particularly severe FoRB violations under IRFA.
* Twelve countries recommended to the Secretary of State for Special Watch List (SWL) designation for severe FoRB violations under IRFA.
* Seven entities recommended for designation as Entities of Particular Concern (EPC).
* Broad policy recommendations to the Legislative and Executive Branches.
* Overview of escalating FoRB challenges in 28 countries, dangers posed by violent entities, and global threats.
* Review of FoRB policy implemented by the U.S. government.
The annual report, including all recommendations, can be accessed at USCIRF.gov. Commissioners are available for interviews with the press. To schedule an interview, contact media@uscirf.gov.
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is an independent, bipartisan federal government entity established by the U.S. Congress to monitor, analyze, and report on religious freedom abroad. USCIRF makes foreign policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State, and Congress intended to deter religious persecution and promote freedom of religion and belief.
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Original text here: https://www.uscirf.gov/news-room/releases-statements/uscirf-releases-2025-annual-report
NASA: Exercise Study, Blood Research Top Schedule Ahead of Cargo Missions
WASHINGTON, March 26 -- NASA issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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Exercise Study, Blood Research Top Schedule Ahead of Cargo Missions
Bone, muscle, and blood studies topped the research schedule aboard the International Space Station on Tuesday as the Expedition 72 crew continued exploring how microgravity affects human physiology. The orbital residents are also preparing for cargo missions coming and going at the orbital lab while keeping up life support maintenance.
Exercising in space for two hours, every day is critical to maintaining bone and muscle health due to
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WASHINGTON, March 26 -- NASA issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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Exercise Study, Blood Research Top Schedule Ahead of Cargo Missions
Bone, muscle, and blood studies topped the research schedule aboard the International Space Station on Tuesday as the Expedition 72 crew continued exploring how microgravity affects human physiology. The orbital residents are also preparing for cargo missions coming and going at the orbital lab while keeping up life support maintenance.
Exercising in space for two hours, every day is critical to maintaining bone and muscle health due tothe lack of gravity affecting the human body. Scientists are exploring ways to maximize a space workout to offset the effects of weightlessness and keep crews healthy during long-duration missions. Flight Engineers Don Pettit and Takuya Onishi teamed up on Tuesday setting up a motion capture system in the Tranquility module to track their exercise movements on the advanced resistive exercise device. Researchers want to understand the forces applied to bones and muscles during a space workout possibly leading to improved exercise and physical therapy programs for humans living on and off the Earth.
NASA Flight Engineers Anne McClain and Nichole Ayers joined each other for blood pressure checks and ultrasound scans in the Columbus laboratory module. The duo was collecting biomedical data adding to the voluminous knowledge doctors have gained over years of space research and will use to promote crew health, safety, and performance on missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond.
McClain later familiarized herself with cargo operations for the Cygnus space freighter attached to the Unity module's Earth-facing port. Cygnus will end a seven-and-a-half-month mission at the orbital lab at 6:55 a.m. EDT on Friday when the Canadarm2 robotic arm releases it into Earth orbit packed with trash and discarded gear. Ayers began staging cargo for return to Earth on the next SpaceX Dragon cargo mission targeted to launch no earlier than April 21 to resupply the Expedition 72 crew.
Station Commander Alexey Ovchinin and Flight Engineer Ivan Vagner partnered together for a circulatory system study taking turns wearing sensors measuring how blood flows in microgravity. The sensors attached to their forehead, fingers, and toes provide data revealing how blood circulates back and forth from a crew member's head to their limbs in space.
New Roscosmos Flight Engineer Kirill Peskov started his shift cleaning ventilation systems in the Nauka science module. Afterward, he spent the rest of the day replacing life support gear that condenses water vapor and purifies it into potable water in the Zvezda service module.
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Original text here: https://www.nasa.gov/blogs/spacestation/2025/03/25/exercise-study-blood-research-top-schedule-ahead-of-cargo-missions/
NASA Demonstrates New Wildland Fire Airspace Management System
WASHINGTON, March 26 -- NASA issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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NASA Demonstrates New Wildland Fire Airspace Management System
NASA researchers conducted initial validation of a new airspace management system designed to enable crews to use aircraft to fight and monitor wildland fires 24 hours a day, even during low-visibility conditions.
From March 17-28, NASA's Advanced Capabilities for Emergency Response Operations (ACERO) project stationed researchers at multiple strategic locations across the foothills of the Sierra de Salinas mountains in Monterey County, California.
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WASHINGTON, March 26 -- NASA issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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NASA Demonstrates New Wildland Fire Airspace Management System
NASA researchers conducted initial validation of a new airspace management system designed to enable crews to use aircraft to fight and monitor wildland fires 24 hours a day, even during low-visibility conditions.
From March 17-28, NASA's Advanced Capabilities for Emergency Response Operations (ACERO) project stationed researchers at multiple strategic locations across the foothills of the Sierra de Salinas mountains in Monterey County, California.Their mission: to test and validate a new, portable system that can provide reliable airspace management under poor visual conditions, one of the biggest barriers for aerial wildland firefighting support.
The mission was a success.
"At NASA, we have decades of experience leveraging our aviation expertise in ways that improve everyday life for Americans," said Carol Carroll, deputy associate administrator for NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate at agency headquarters in Washington. "We need every advantage possible when it comes to saving lives and property when wildfires affect our communities, and ACERO technology will give responders critical new tools to monitor and fight fires."
One of the barriers for continued monitoring, suppression, and logistics support in wildland fire situations is a lack of tools for managing airspace and air traffic that can support operations under all visibility conditions. Current aerial firefighting operations are limited to times with clear visibility when a Tactical Air Group Supervisor or "air boss" in a piloted aircraft can provide direction. Otherwise, pilots may risk collisions.
The ACERO technology will provide that air boss capability for remotely piloted aircraft operations - and users will be able to do it from the ground. The project's Portable Airspace Management System (PAMS) is a suitcase-sized solution that builds on decades of NASA air traffic and airspace management research. The PAMS units will allow pilots to view the locations and operational intents of other aircraft, even in thick smoke or at night.
During the testing in Salinas, researchers evaluated the PAMS' core airspace management functions, including strategic coordination and the ability to automatically alert pilots once their aircrafts exit their preapproved paths or the simulated preapproved fire operation zone.
Using the PAMS prototype, researchers were able to safely conduct flight operations of a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft operated by Overwatch Aero, LLC, of Solvang, California, and two small NASA drones.
Flying as if responding to a wildfire scenario, the Overwatch aircraft connected with two PAMS units in different locations. Though the systems were separated by mountains and valleys with weak cellular service, the PAMS units were able to successfully share and display a simulated fire zone, aircraft location, flight plans, and flight intent, thanks to a radio communications relay established by the Overwatch aircraft.
Operating in a rural mountain range validated that PAMS could work successfully in an actual wildland fire environment.
"Testing in real mountainous environments presents numerous challenges, but it offers significantly more value than lab-based testing," said Dr. Min Xue, ACERO project manager at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley. "The tests were successful, providing valuable insights and highlighting areas for future improvement."
Pilots on the ground used PAMS to coordinate the drones, which performed flights simulating aerial ignition - the practice of setting controlled, intentional fires to manage vegetation, helping to control fires and reduce wildland fire risk.
As a part of the testing, Joby Aviation of Santa Cruz, California, flew its remotely piloted aircraft, similar in size to a Cessna Grand Caravan, over the testing site. The PAMS system successfully exchanged aircraft location and flight intent with Joby's mission management system. The test marked the first successful interaction between PAMS and an optionally piloted aircraft.
Fire chiefs from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) attended the testing and provided feedback on the system's functionality, features that could improve wildland fire air traffic coordination, and potential for integration into operations.
"We appreciate the work being done by the NASA ACERO program in relation to portable airspace management capabilities," said Marcus Hernandez, deputy chief for CAL FIRE's Office of Wildfire Technology. "It's great to see federal, state, and local agencies, as it is important to address safety and regulatory challenges alongside technological advancements."
These latest flights build on successful PAMS testing in Watsonville, California, in November 2024. ACERO will use flight test data and feedback from wildland fire agencies to continue building out PAMS capabilities and will showcase more robust information-sharing capabilities in the coming years.
NASA's goal for ACERO is to validate this technology, so it can be developed for wildland fire crews to use in the field, saving lives and property. The project is managed by NASA's Airspace Operations and Safety Program and supports the agency's Advanced Air Mobility mission.
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Original text here: https://www.nasa.gov/centers-and-facilities/ames/nasa-demonstrates-new-wildland-fire-airspace-management-system/
ICYMI: EPA Administrator Zeldin Travels to Superfund Sites, Disaster Areas Around the Country
WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The Environmental Protection Agency issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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ICYMI: Administrator Zeldin Travels to Superfund Sites, Disaster Areas Around the Country
WASHINGTON - Last week, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin traveled across the country to Superfund sites, disaster recovery areas, and met with state and local officials. His first stop was to St. Louis, Missouri to visit the West Lake Superfund site, Coldwater Creek site, and to participate in a roundtable hosted by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), with local
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WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The Environmental Protection Agency issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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ICYMI: Administrator Zeldin Travels to Superfund Sites, Disaster Areas Around the Country
WASHINGTON - Last week, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin traveled across the country to Superfund sites, disaster recovery areas, and met with state and local officials. His first stop was to St. Louis, Missouri to visit the West Lake Superfund site, Coldwater Creek site, and to participate in a roundtable hosted by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), with localstakeholders. On National Agriculture Day (Ag Day), Administrator Zeldin was with the Missouri Farm Bureau at Stemme Farms to discuss Ag issues.
Following his visit to the Show-me state, Administrator Zeldin was in Arizona for a series of meetings and attended a roundtable with the Arizona Chamber of Commerce. He then met with the Ak-Chin Tribe and concluded his time in Arizona with Governor Hobbs.
Administrator Zeldin then headed to Hawaii to tour the Maui to meet with community leaders, local officials, and EPA staff to survey recovery efforts following the 2023 Maui wildfires. He visited the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility. Later in the day, he met with the Hawaii Department of Health to discuss ways that EPA and Hawaii DOH are continuing to work together to provide clean air, land and water.
Cooperative Federalism is a main pillar of Administrator Zeldin's Powering the Great American Comeback initiative, and the Administrator remains committed to commonsense reform and improving partnerships with state and local counterparts across the country.
Read more below about Administrator Zeldin's visit and check out some great local coverage and social media posts.
Local Coverage:
First Alert 4: Farmers speak directly with EPA Admin Zeldin as he visits St. Louis area
By Avery Martinez
"ST. LOUIS, Mo. (First Alert 4) - EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin spoke with a number of Show Me State ag workers Tuesday, where they had a chance to hear directly from the newly appointed leader of the agency about his plans for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and it's future.
"These same ag folks were able to ask questions about how the EPA may impact farmers in the future, raise concerns about fuel, food security, water impacts and the waters of the United States.
"Zeldin's visit follows his visit to multiple irradiated sites in the St. Louis area, alongside Senator Josh Hawley who pledged a visit to the area several months ago.
"Hawley pushed the EPA chief to speed up the cleanup of West Lake Landfill, a Superfund site since 1970.
"Even before Zeldin was confirmed as the EPA leader, he promised Hawley he'd visit the landfill and see the extent of contamination in the area. Monday morning, at a roundtable discussion, he heard residents speak about high cancer rates and what it was like to live in the shadow of Manhattan Project nuclear waste.
"'You are here as an example of a community that has been left behind and is in need of help,' said Zeldin."
KSDK: Senator Josh Hawley, EPA Administrator visit contaminated sites [VIDEO]
ST. Louis Public Radio: U.S. EPA director promises action to clean up West Lake Landfill radioactive waste
By Jason Rosenbaum
"Several north St. Louis County residents spent nearly an hour discussing in often gripping detail how radioactive waste exposure sickened them and their loved ones. Zeldin then asked local staffers to prepare in three weeks a timetable about what it would take to clean up West Lake Landfill.
"'What are the resources that are needed? What are the barriers that are in front of us? What are the assumptions that you need to make in order to give us the most ambitious timeline possible?' Zeldin said. 'I'm not asking for a long report. I don't want you guys to spend the next three weeks working on this instead of advancing the issues that we're talking about. So informally, something quick -- that's just a timeline and assessment from the team as to where we are.'
"Asked why the St. Louis region would be prioritized when there are many other places in the country with heavily polluted areas, Zeldin said he was particularly moved by residents who shared their stories with him.
"'Anyone who's been listening in the last hour, this hits different,' Zeldin said."
Spectrum News: New EPA head pledges more resources to address St. Louis area radiation contamination
By Gregg Palermo
"BRIDGETON, Mo.--The new head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is pledging additional resources to the effort to clean up the Superfund site at the West Lake landfill as the St. Louis region continues to grapple with the legacy of nuclear contamination dating back to its involvement with the development of nuclear weapons since World War II.
"Lee Zeldin, who promised Missouri U.S. Senator Josh Hawley he would visit the site if confirmed as EPA administrator, did so on Monday, along with a stop along Coldwater Creek and time spent with advocates for radiation victims.
"Zeldin said the DOGE recommendations so far have translated into billions of dollars in cuts in a reorganization that he hopes leads to more direct support for communities in need of cleanup.
"'My goal is that if a dollar that is spent that the dollar is spent on directly remediating the environmental issue. I do not want to see a dollar spent to some group to tell us that we have an issue that needs to get dealt with,' he said, referring to the Biden administration's financial support of environmental justice organizations.
"Zeldin tasked a regional EPA administrator with coming up with a brief report over the next three weeks that describes the challenges and resources necessary to act on 'the most ambitious timeline possible.'"
"That report will be made public, Zeldin said."
Arizona's Family: New EPA head meets with Sen. Mark Kelly to help improve Arizona's air quality
By Jason Barry
"PHOENIX (AZFamily) -- U.S. Senator Mark Kelly met with new Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lee Zeldin in Phoenix as part of a roundtable discussion Wednesday on the environment and ways to improve air quality in Arizona
"Zeldin said the EPA aims to protect the public but believes it can be done more efficiently.
"The EPA has been on the front line for years, protecting the public and holding companies accountable when they pollute soil and water resources.
"'We actually want to put more resources into SuperFund work,' said Zeldin. 'It is important that we are fulfilling our statutory obligations exponentially.'"
KVOA: Roundtable in Phoenix tackles EPA rules, Arizona economy concerns
"PHOENIX, Ariz. (KVOA) - Sen. Jake Hoffman has teamed up with the Trump administration to address environmental regulations impacting Arizona's economy. This collaboration aims to reduce what they consider harmful regulations that increase costs for families in the state.
"On Tuesday evening, Hoffman held a roundtable discussion at the Arizona Senate. The meeting included U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lee Zeldin and representatives from various industries, including Arizona Public Service and Honeywell Aerospace. The focus was on policy reforms that could enhance Arizona's economic potential.
"Administrator Zeldin's visit to Arizona included this roundtable as part of a two-day tour. His meetings with elected officials and industry leaders were aimed at discussing environmental reforms and economic growth."
KJZZ Phoenix: Pollution, air quality across Arizona discussed as Sen. Kelly welcomes EPA director
By George Headley
"Arizona's air quality and specifically Maricopa County's pollution problems were the focus of a discussion between Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly and Environmental Protection Agency Director Lee Zeldin on Wednesday.
"Kelly welcomed Zeldin to Phoenix so he could meet with local industry leaders and officials as the state struggles with air quality, specifically Maricopa County not meeting the ambient air quality standard and statewide planning to dissipate pollution.
"Kelly said emissions have decreased in Maricopa County, while ozone levels are steadily increasing.
"Zeldin said he will meet with the EPA team to figure out how to accomplish as much as possible to improve air quality in Arizona.
"'If anything, for any great reason, is going to take a little bit more time, I'm going to want to know why,' Zeldin said."
Indian Gaming: EPA Administrator Zeldin Visits Ak-Chin Indian Community
"MARICOPA, AZ - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin recently met with the Ak-Chin Indian Community, which was his first trip to Indian Country since being sworn into office.
"During his visit, Administrator Zeldin met with Ak-Chin Indian Community Tribal Council Members Dennis Antone, Lisa Garcia and Cecil Peters, as well as Roman Orona, Ak-Chin Indian Community Environmental Manager and EPA National Tribal Caucus Representative, and other members of the community. The Ak-Chin Indian Community engages in farming and agriculture, and the discussion during the meeting focused on water issues and pesticides.
"'We appreciate Administrator Zeldin coming to the Ak-Chin Community, and of his willingness to seek the Native environmental perspective,' said Orona. 'I look forward to working with Administrator Zeldin and the Trump administration to further tribal participation in the federal government's partnership in Indian County.'
"Last month, Zeldin addressed the joint Region 8 and Region 9 Tribal Operations Committee meeting to express his commitment to EPA's continued relationship with federally recognized tribes."
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Original text here: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/icymi-administrator-zeldin-travels-superfund-sites-disaster-areas-around-country
How NASA's Perseverance Is Helping Prepare Astronauts for Mars
PASADENA, California, March 26 (TNSres) -- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory issued the following news:
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How NASA's Perseverance Is Helping Prepare Astronauts for Mars
NASA's Perseverance rover landed on Mars in 2021 to search for signs of ancient microbial life and to help scientists understand the planet's climate and geography. But another key objective is to pave the way for human exploration of Mars, and as part of that effort, the rover carries a set of five spacesuit material samples. Now, after those samples have endured four years of exposure on Mars' dusty, radiation-soaked surface,
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PASADENA, California, March 26 (TNSres) -- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory issued the following news:
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How NASA's Perseverance Is Helping Prepare Astronauts for Mars
NASA's Perseverance rover landed on Mars in 2021 to search for signs of ancient microbial life and to help scientists understand the planet's climate and geography. But another key objective is to pave the way for human exploration of Mars, and as part of that effort, the rover carries a set of five spacesuit material samples. Now, after those samples have endured four years of exposure on Mars' dusty, radiation-soaked surface,scientists are beginning the next phase of studying them.
The end goal is to predict accurately the usable lifetime of a Mars spacesuit. What the agency learns about how the materials perform on Mars will inform the design of future spacesuits for the first astronauts on the Red Planet.
"This is one of the forward-looking aspects of the rover's mission -- not just thinking about its current science, but also about what comes next," said planetary scientist Marc Fries of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, who helped provide the spacesuit materials. "We're preparing for people to eventually go and explore Mars."
This graphic shows an illustration of a prototype astronaut suit, left, along with suit samples included aboard NASA's Perseverance rover. They are the first spacesuit materials ever sent to Mars.
Credit: NASA
The swatches, each three-quarters of an inch square (20 millimeters square), are part of a calibration target used to test the settings of SHERLOC (Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals), an instrument on the end of Perseverance's arm.
The samples include a piece of polycarbonate helmet visor; Vectran, a cut-resistant material used for the palms of astronaut gloves; two kinds of Teflon, which has dust-repelling nonstick properties; and a commonly used spacesuit material called Ortho-Fabric. This last fabric features multiple layers, including Nomex, a flame-resistant material found in firefighter outfits; Gore-Tex, which is waterproof but breathable; and Kevlar, a strong material used in bulletproof vests that makes spacesuits more rip-resistant.
Martian Wear and Tear
Mars is far from hospitable. It has freezing temperatures, fine dust that can stick to solar panels and spacesuits (causing wear and tear on the latter), and a surface rife with perchlorates, a kind of corrosive salt that can be toxic to humans.
There's also lots of solar radiation. Unlike Earth, which has a magnetic field that deflects much of the Sun's radiation, Mars lost its magnetic field billions of years ago, followed by much of its atmosphere. Its surface has little protection from the Sun's ultraviolet light (which is why researchers have looked into how rock formations and caves could provide astronauts some shielding).
"Mars is a really harsh, tough place," said SHERLOC science team member Joby Razzell Hollis of the Natural History Museum in London. "Don't underestimate that -- the radiation in particular is pretty nasty."
Razzell Hollis was a postdoctoral fellow at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California from 2018 to 2021, where he helped prepare SHERLOC for arrival on Mars and took part in science operations once the rover landed. A materials scientist, Razzell Hollis has previously studied the chemical effects of sunlight on a new kind of solar panel made from plastic, as well as on plastic pollution floating in the Earth's oceans.
He likened those effects to how white plastic lawn chairs become yellow and brittle after years in sunlight. Roughly the same thing happens on Mars, but the weathering likely happens faster because of the high exposure to ultraviolet light there.
The key to developing safer spacesuit materials will be understanding how quickly they would wear down on the Martian surface. About 50% of the changes SHERLOC witnessed in the samples happened within Perseverance's first 200 days on Mars, with the Vectran appearing to change first.
Another nuance will be figuring out how much solar radiation different parts of a spacesuit will have to withstand. For example, an astronaut's shoulders will be more exposed -- and likely encounter more radiation -- than his or her palms.
Next Steps
The SHERLOC team is working on a science paper detailing initial data on how the samples have fared on Mars. Meanwhile, scientists at NASA Johnson are eager to simulate that weathering in special chambers that mimic the carbon dioxide atmosphere, air pressure, and ultraviolet light on the Martian surface. They could then compare the results generated on Earth while putting the materials to the test with those seen in the SHERLOC data. For example, the researchers could stretch the materials until they break to check if they become more brittle over time.
"The fabric materials are designed to be tough but flexible, so they protect astronauts but can bend freely," Fries said. "We want to know the extent to which the fabrics lose their strength and flexibility over time. As the fabrics weaken, they can fray and tear, allowing a spacesuit to leak both heat and air."
More About Perseverance
A key objective for Perseverance's mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover is characterizing the planet's geology and past climate, to help pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and is the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith.
NASA's Mars Sample Return Program, in cooperation with ESA (European Space Agency), is designed to send spacecraft to Mars to collect these sealed samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis.
The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program (MEP) portfolio and the agency's Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed for the agency by Caltech in Pasadena, California, built and manages operations of the Perseverance rover.
For more about Perseverance:
Original text here: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/how-nasas-perseverance-is-helping-prepare-astronauts-for-mars/
EPA Administrator Zeldin Addresses Environmental Council of States' 2025 Spring Meeting, Highlights Commitment to Cooperative Federalism
WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The Environmental Protection Agency issued the following news release:
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EPA Administrator Zeldin Addresses Environmental Council of States' 2025 Spring Meeting, Highlights Commitment to Cooperative Federalism
WASHINGTON - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin addressed the Environmental Council of the States' 2025 Spring Meeting, which convenes state environmental agency heads, highlighting his commitment to cooperative federalism. Administrator Zeldin also discussed permitting reform, PFAS, revising "waters of the United States," and
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WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The Environmental Protection Agency issued the following news release:
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EPA Administrator Zeldin Addresses Environmental Council of States' 2025 Spring Meeting, Highlights Commitment to Cooperative Federalism
WASHINGTON - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin addressed the Environmental Council of the States' 2025 Spring Meeting, which convenes state environmental agency heads, highlighting his commitment to cooperative federalism. Administrator Zeldin also discussed permitting reform, PFAS, revising "waters of the United States," andthe agency's emergency response and disaster recovery efforts in East Palestine, Los Angeles, Western North Carolina, and elsewhere.
"Cooperative Federalism is a main pillar of the Powering the Great American Comeback initiative. In developing our nation's environmental statutes, Congress recognized the important role of states and their co-equal authority with EPA. Our legislators understood that states are best positioned to work with unique communities and implement laws. However, in too many instances and across too many Administrations, EPA has retained control of implementing many laws from its perch in the nation's capital. It's this kind of commonsense reform I want to partner with states to achieve," said Administrator Zeldin.
Administrator Zeldin announced the Powering the Great American Comeback initiative in his first week at the agency. The initiative consists of five pillars that will guide the EPA's work over the first 100 days and beyond. It will help the agency advance its core mission of protecting human health and the environment while energizing the greatness of the American economy. During his remarks, Administrator Zeldin provided more detail on his vision for Pillar 3, "Permitting Reform, Cooperative Federalism, and Cross-Agency Partnership."
Advancing Cooperative Federalism
In one of his first acts as Administrator, Zeldin signed a final rule approving the State of West Virginia's request for Class VI primacy. By granting the state primacy for Class VI wells under the Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA recognizes that West Virginia is best positioned to protect underground sources of drinking water while bolstering energy independence and dominance. This marks the fourth time a state has received primacy for Class VI wells since 2018 and the third approval under President Trump's leadership. Administrator Zeldin also announced that he directed the Office of Water to fast-track the agency's review and approval of state primacy under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Two weeks ago, EPA took 31 historic actions in the greatest and most consequential day of deregulation in U.S. history. A majority of those actions focused on returning decisions rightly back to the states and working in partnership. These include, but are not limited to: ending the so-called "Good Neighbor Plan," which the Biden-Harris Administration used to expand federal rules to more states and sectors beyond the program's traditional focus and led to the rejection of nearly all State Implementation Plans; working with states and tribes to resolve the massive backlog with State Implementation Plans and Tribal Implementation Plans (SIPs/TIPs) that the Biden-Harris Administration refused to resolve; reconsidering the exceptional events rulemaking to work with states to prioritize the allowance of prescribed fires within SIPs and TIPs; reconstituting the Science Advisory Board and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee; and prioritizing the coal ash program to expedite state permit reviews and update coal ash regulations.
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Original text here: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-administrator-zeldin-addresses-environmental-council-states-2025-spring-meeting