Elizabeth Dole Foundation VP Beck Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following written testimony by Meredith Beck, vice president of government Affairs and community engagement at the Elizabeth Dole Foundation, from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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Chairmen Bost and Moran, Ranking Members Takano and Blumenthal, distinguished Members of the House and Senate Committees on Veterans' Affairs, t more
GAO Director MacLeod Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation released the following testimony by Heather MacLeod, director of homeland security and justice programs at the Government Accountability Office, from a March 5, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Coast Guard Acquisitions and Infrastructure":
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Chairman Ezell, Ranking Member Carbajal, and Members of the Subcommittee:
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss our r more
GAO Director Marroni Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management released the following written testimony by David Marroni, director of physical infrastructure at the Government Accountability Office, from a March 5, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Making Federal Real Estate Work for the Taxpayer":
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Chairman Perry, Ranking Member Stanton, and Members of the Subcommittee:
The federal government owns more
Garney Construction Preconstruction Executive Buckley Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment released the testimony by Dan Buckley, preconstruction executive for Garney Construction, on behalf of the National Utility Contractors Association, from a March 11, 2025, hearing entitled "Water Infrastructure Financing: WIFIA and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund." WIFIA is the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act.
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Chairman, Ranking Member, and distinguished more
Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans CEO Jaslow Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following testimony by Allison Jaslow, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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Chairman Moran, Chairman Bost, Ranking Member Blumenthal, Ranking Member Takano, and members of the Committee. On behalf of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America's (IAVA) more than 425,000 member more
Jacobs Solutions Global Principal Matichich Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment released the testimony by Mike Matichich, global principal for economic and financial services at Jacobs Solutions, from a March 11, 2025, hearing entitled "Water Infrastructure Financing: WIFIA and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund." WIFIA is the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act.
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Good morning, Chairmen Graves and Collins, Ranking Members Larsen and Wilson more
Lummi Nation Chairman Hillaire Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment released the testimony by Lummi Nation Chairman Tony Hillaire from a March 11, 2025, hearing entitled "Water Infrastructure Financing: WIFIA and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund." WIFIA is the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act.
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Chairman Collins, Ranking member Wilson, it is an honor and a privilege to testify here before this distinguished subcommittee tod more
National Association for Veterans Rights President O'Rourke Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs released the following written testimony by Peter O'Rourke, president of the National Association for Veterans Rights, from a March 5, 2025, hearing on discussion draft legislation impacting veterans:
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A Brief Background on the Claims Consulting Industry
The first claims consulting companies began doing business in 2014 and for seven years, these companies helped tens of thousan more
National Organization of Veterans' Advocates Executive Director Rauber Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs released the following testimony by Diane Boyd Rauber, executive director of the National Organization of Veterans' Advocates, from a March 5, 2025, hearing on discussion draft legislation impacting veterans:
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On behalf of the National Organization of Veterans' Advocates (NOVA), I would like to thank Chairman Luttrell, Ranking Member McGarvey, and members of the DAMA Subcommittee more
Paralyzed Veterans National President Thomas Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Part 1 of 2)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following testimony by Robert Thomas, national president of the Paralyzed Veterans of America, from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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Chairman Moran, Chairman Bost, Ranking Member Blumenthal, Ranking Member Takano, and members of the committees, I appreciate the opportunity to present Paralyzed Veterans of America's (PVA) 2 more
Paralyzed Veterans National President Thomas Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Part 2 of 2)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following testimony by Robert Thomas, national president of the Paralyzed Veterans of America, from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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(Continued from Part 1 of 2)
It is left up to each facility to proactively establish integrated care for patients within the SCI/D system, and unfortunately, this has not been a priority for more
Public Buildings Reform Board Member Winstead Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management released the following testimony by David Winstead, a board member of the Public Buildings Reform, from a March 5, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Making Federal Real Estate Work for the Taxpayer":
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Chairman Perry, Ranking Member Greg Stanton and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for giving me the opportunity to update you on the more
Student Veterans National President Lyon Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Part 1 of 2)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following testimony by Jared Lyon, national president and CEO of the Student Veterans of America, from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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Chairmen Moran and Bost, Ranking Members Blumenthal and Takano, and Members of Senate and House Committees on Veterans' Affairs, Student Veterans of America (SVA) is honored to present tes more
Student Veterans National President Lyon Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Part 2 of 2)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following testimony by Jared Lyon, national president and CEO of the Student Veterans of America, from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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(Continued from Part 1 of 2)
Additionally, Pell Grants currently include a Dependent Care Allowance, but many student veterans do not qualify due to their GI Bill benefits.77 Revising Pel more
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors President Carroll Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Part 1 of 2)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following written testimony by Bonnie Carroll, president and founder of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) is the national provider of comfort, care, and resources to all those grieving the death of a military or veteran lo more
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors President Carroll Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Part 2 of 2)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following written testimony by Bonnie Carroll, president and founder of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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(Continued from Part 1 of 2)
Since the passage of the PACT Act, the VA and numerous VSOs have noticed an influx of advertisements and solicitations from predatory clai more
USCG Acting Deputy Commandant Allan Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation released the following testimony by Vice Adm. Thomas G. Allan Jr., acting deputy commandant for operations at the U.S. Coast Guard, from a March 5, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Coast Guard Acquisitions and Infrastructure":
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Good morning, Chairman Ezell, Ranking Member Carbajal, and distinguished members of the Subcommittee. Thank you for your continued ove more
Veteran Benefits Guide CEO Smith Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs released the following testimony by Josh Smith, CEO and co-founder of Veteran Benefits Guide, from a March 5, 2025, hearing on discussion draft legislation impacting veterans:
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My name is Josh Smith and I am the CEO and Co-Founder of Veteran Benefits Guide (VBG). VBG is a private company that assists Veterans in navigating the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claims more
Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander-in-Chief Lipphardt Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Part 1 of 2)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following testimony by Alfred J. Lipphardt, commander-in-chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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Chairmen Moran and Bost, Ranking Members Blumenthal and Takano, members of the Senate and House Committees on Veterans' Affairs, it is my honor to be with you today on behalf of more
Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander-in-Chief Lipphardt Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Committee (Part 2 of 2)
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Committee released the following testimony by Alfred J. Lipphardt, commander-in-chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., from a March 4, 2025, joint hearing with the Senate Veterans' Committee on veteran service organizations legislative presentation:
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(Continued from Part 1 of 2)
Additionally, these provisions direct the establishment of a comprehensive brain health and trauma demonstration program, which will provide integra more
Veterans of Foreign Wars National Legislative Service Director Murray Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 22 -- The House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs released the following written testimony by Pat Murray, director of the National Legislative Service for the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S., from a March 5, 2025, hearing on discussion draft legislation impacting veterans:
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Chairman Luttrell, Ranking Member McGarvey, and members of the subcommittee, on behalf of the men and women of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Unite more
Center for a Secure Free Society Executive Director Humire Testifies Before House Oversight & Government Reform Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Federal Law Enforcement released the following testimony by Joseph M. Humire, executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society, from a March 11, 2025, hearing entitled "Enhancing Federal, State, and Local Coordination in the Fight Against Criminal Illegal Aliens":
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Chairman Higgins, Ranking Member Lee, and distinguished members of the subcommittee.
Thank you for your leadership on this issue and f more
Ex-Texas Water Development Board Executive Administrator Walker Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment released the testimony by Jeff Walker, former executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board, on behalf of the Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities, from a March 11, 2025, hearing entitled "Water Infrastructure Financing: WIFIA and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund." WIFIA is the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act.
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Chairman Collins, more
GAO Managing Director Kociolek Testifies Before House Oversight & Government Reform Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations released the following written testimony by Kristen Kociolek, managing director of financial management assurance at the Government Accountability Office, from a March 11, 2025, hearing entitled "Shifting Gears: Moving From Recovery to Prevention of Improper Payments and Fraud":
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Chairman Sessions, Ranking Member Mfume, and Members of the Subcommittee:
I am pleased to be here today to more
GAO Managing Director Krause Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation released the following testimony by Heather Krause, managing director of physical infrastructure at the Government Accountability Office, from a March 4, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Air Traffic Control System Infrastructure and Staffing":
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Chairman Nehls, Ranking Member Cohen, and Members of the Subcommittee:
I am pleased to participate in today's hearing on the Federal Aviation Admin more
General Aviation Manufacturers Association President Bunce Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation released the following testimony by Peter J. Bunce, president and CEO of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, from a March 4, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Air Traffic Control System Infrastructure and Staffing":
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On behalf of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) membership, thank you for the opportunity at testify on this critical hearing "America Builds: Air more
National Air Traffic Controllers Association President Daniels Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation released the following written testimony by Nick Daniels, president of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, AFL-CIO, from a March 4, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Air Traffic Control System Infrastructure and Staffing":
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Thank you for the opportunity to testify on behalf of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, AFL-CIO (NATCA) at today's hearing titled "America B more
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists President Spero Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation released the following testimony by Dave Spero, president of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO, from a March 4, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Air Traffic Control System Infrastructure and Staffing":
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Chair Nehls, Ranking Member Cohen and members of the subcommittee, thank you for inviting me to testify on behalf of the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, AFL-CIO more
Rep. Foster Testifies Before House Science, Space & Technology Committee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Science, Space and Technology Committee released the following testimony by Rep. Bill Foster, D-Illinois, from a March 11, 2025, member day hearing on science and energy research infrastructure needs of the Energy Department:
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Thank you Chair Babin and Ranking Member Lofgren for the opportunity to testify today.
Today, I'd particularly like to talk about some of the science and energy research infrastructure needs of the Department of Energy. I'd like to more
Rinaldi Consultants President Testifies Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee
WASHINGTON, March 21 -- The House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation released the following written testimony by Rinaldi Consultants President Paul M. Rinaldi from a March 4, 2025, hearing entitled "America Builds: Air Traffic Control System Infrastructure and Staffing":
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Good morning, Chairman Nehls, Ranking Member Cohen, and Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify today. My name is Paul Rinaldi. I spent 30 years in the Federal Aviation more
BSU Faculty Explore AI to Enhance Teacher Preparation and Classroom Learning
BEMIDJI, Minnesota, March 22 -- Bemidji State University issued the following news:
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BSU Faculty Explore AI to Enhance Teacher Preparation and Classroom Learning
Bemidji State University faculty are examining how artificial intelligence can improve teacher preparation, providing future educators with new tools to enhance classroom learning.
Professors Siri Anderson, Lisa Karl and Lisa Schmitz have spent the past year studying AI's impact on teacher candidates and will present their find more
Emory Healthcare Launches Virtual Nursing Initiative Using AI-driven Technology to Enhance Patient Care
ATLANTA, Georgia, March 22 -- Emory University issued the following news release:
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Emory Healthcare launches virtual nursing initiative using AI-driven technology to enhance patient care
Emory University Hospital Midtown is the first Emory Healthcare hospital to deploy and test both new telehealth equipment and artificial intelligence (AI)-driven technology to assist nurses in caring for patients and preventing falls. Using a combination of new hardware, software, telehealth and AI, Emor more
KU Professor to Speak on AI Ethics April 3
CLARKSVILLE, Arkansas, March 22 -- The University of the Ozarks issued the following news:
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KU Professor to Speak on AI Ethics April 3
Dr. Kathryn "Katie" Conrad, professor of English at University of Kansas and a leading authority on Artificial Intelligence (AI), will speak about the ethics of the emerging technologies in a presentation at University of the Ozarks on Thursday, April 3, as part of the University's Walton Arts & Ideas Series.
The event begins at 7 p.m. in the Rogers Conf more
N.H. Education Dept.: Khan Academy to Extend Its AI Services, at No Cost, to New Hampshire Educators and Students
CONCORD, New Hampshire, March 22 -- The New Hampshire Department of Education issued the following news release on March 21, 2025:
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Khan Academy to extend its AI services, at no cost, to New Hampshire educators and students
CONCORD, NH -- Khan Academy, which offers a pilot artificial intelligence platform for New Hampshire educators and students in grades 5-12, will extend its services for another school year.
Khanmigo is Khan Academy's AI offering, which serves as a teaching assistant more
Pa. Gov. Shapiro Administration Leads the Way in Responsible, Ethical Use of AI
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, March 22 -- Gov. Josh Shapiro, D-Pennsylvania, issued the following news release:
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Shapiro Administration Leads the Way in Responsible, Ethical Use of AI; First-Ever Generative AI Pilot for State Workers Leads to Significant Time Savings and Increased Productivity
The findings revealed that employees had a highly positive experience, reporting an average time savings of 95 minutes per day while using ChatGPT for writing, research, summarization, and IT support - more
With Empire AI, UB is Helping People With ALS, Improving Medical Imaging, Boosting Mental Health Resources and More
BUFFALO, New York, March 22 -- The University at Buffalo (State University of New York) issued the following news release:
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With Empire AI, UB is helping people with ALS, improving medical imaging, boosting mental health resources and more
Projects showcase UB's commitment to harnessing AI for the public good
By Cory Nealon
BUFFALO, N.Y. - University at Buffalo researchers are tapping the incredible power of Empire AI.
The $400 million statewide consortium - which Gov. Kathy Hochul an more
Agentic AI and Scalable Enterprise Integration Catalyse AI Industry Growth
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, March 21 [Category: BizConsulting] -- Frost and Sullivan, a provider of market research and analysis, growth strategy consulting and corporate training services, posted the following news release:
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Agentic AI and Scalable Enterprise Integration Catalyse AI Industry Growth
Top 10 AI growth opportunities to drive innovation, efficiency, and responsible AI development
LONDON, 21st March 2025 - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionise industries in 2025, wit more
AI and Workspace Modernisation Propel Growth in the Global Video Conferencing Devices Sector
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, March 21 [Category: BizConsulting] -- Frost and Sullivan, a provider of market research and analysis, growth strategy consulting and corporate training services, posted the following news release:
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AI and Workspace Modernisation Propel Growth in the Global Video Conferencing Devices Sector
10.4% YoY expansion in in 2024 prompted by AI innovation and the return to in-person collaboration
LONDON, 21th March 2025 - The workplace continues to undergo structural transfor more
Belief in AI as a 'Great Machine' Could Weaken National Security Crisis Responses, New VCU Research Finds
RICHMOND, Virginia, March 21 -- Virginia Commonwealth University issued the following news:
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Belief in AI as a 'Great Machine' could weaken national security crisis responses, new VCU research finds
The Wilder School's Christopher Whyte investigates how emergency management and homeland security professionals react when faced with an AI threat.
By Madeline Reinsel
Artificial intelligence designed to influence our decisions is everywhere -- in Google searches, in online shopping suggest more
CompTIA will highlight essential skills needed in government for a secure and AI-driven future at Innovation 2025
DOWNERS GROVE, Illinois, March 21 [Category: Computer Technology] -- CompTIA posted the following news release:
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CompTIA will highlight essential skills needed in government for a secure and AI-driven future at Innovation 2025
LONDON - The critical need for upskilling and reskilling civil servants who lead innovation and transformation in the public sector is the focus for CompTIA, Inc. at the Innovation 2025 conference 25-26 March in London.
Set for March 25-26, Innovation 2025 is a u more
Intense Virtual Reality Experience From peta2 Puts University of Rhode Island Students at the Mercy of AI-Powered Aliens
NORFOLK, Virginia, March 21 [Category: Animals] -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals issued the following news release:
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Intense Virtual Reality Experience From peta2 Puts University of Rhode Island Students at the Mercy of AI-Powered Aliens
Kingston, R.I. - Can students convince a powerful, advanced alien species to set them free? That's the objective behind When They Came for Us, the immersive new virtual reality experience from peta2, part of PETA's youth division. In partne more
MIT: AI Tool Generates High-quality Images Faster Than State-of-the-art Approaches
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, March 21 -- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued the following news:
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AI tool generates high-quality images faster than state-of-the-art approaches
Researchers fuse the best of two popular methods to create an image generator that uses less energy and can run locally on a laptop or smartphone.
By Adam Zewe | MIT News
The ability to generate high-quality images quickly is crucial for producing realistic simulated environments that can be used to t more
Momentum builds for AI in veterinary medicine
ITHACA, New York, March 21 -- Cornell University posted the following news:
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Momentum builds for AI in veterinary medicine
As Artificial Intelligence continues to dominate headlines and industries, the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) remains a pioneer in the veterinary medicine space, exemplified by the new special issue of the American Journal of Veterinary Medicine (AJVR), "From Bark to Bytes: Artificial Intelligence Transforming Veterinary Medicine," which show more
MIT: "An AI Future That Honors Dignity for Everyone"
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, March 18 -- The Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued the following news:
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"An AI future that honors dignity for everyone"
As artificial intelligence develops, we must ask vital questions about ourselves and our society, Ben Vinson III contends in the 2025 Compton Lecture.
By Peter Dizikes | MIT News
Ben Vinson III, president of Howard University, made a compelling call for artificial intelligence to be "developed with wisdom," as he delivered MIT's an more
Tipoffs: GAO Weekly
GAO Reports an Estimated $162 Billion in Improper Payments Across the Federal Government in Fiscal Year 2024
WASHINGTON, March 12 -- The Government Accountability Office issued the following news release:
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GAO Reports an Estimated $162 billion in Improper Payments Across the Federal Government in Fiscal Year 2024
WASHINGTON (March 11, 2025) GAO today issued its report on federal agencies' improper payments estimates for fiscal year 2024, reporting that agencies identified $162 billion in payment errors. Improper payments are those that should not have been made or were made in the incorrect amo more
CBO Issues Cost Estimate for DETERRENT Act
WASHINGTON, March 11 -- The Congressional Budget Office issued the following cost estimate on March 10, 2025, for the DETERRENT Act (H.R. 1048).
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H.R. 1048 would expand disclosure and reporting requirements for all institutions of higher education that receive gifts from or enter into contracts with foreign countries or entities. Institutions that fail to meet the new requirements could be assessed civil penalties or lose eligibility for federal student financial aid. Specifically, H.R. 1 more
Congressional Research Service: 'Pell Grant Program - Major Congressional Proposals'
WASHINGTON, March 9 (TNSrep) -- The Congressional Research Service issued the following report (No. R48442) on Feb. 28, 2025, entitled "Pell Grant Program: Major Congressional Proposals" by education policy specialist Cassandria Dortch:
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The Federal Pell Grant program is the largest program providing need-based grant aid to postsecondary students. In FY2023, the program made $31 billion in grant aid available to approximately 6.5 million low-income undergraduate students. Congres more