University of Nebraska: Minimal Tuition Increase Highlights Proposed 2023-24 University Budget
June 16, 2023
June 16, 2023
LINCOLN, Nebraska, June 16 (TNSsel) -- The University of Nebraska issued the following news release on June 15, 2023:
The University of Nebraska will need to implement a bold plan to strategically redeploy its resources in order to close its budget shortfall while advancing its highest priorities of affordability, academic competitiveness and operational efficiency, under a recommended 2023-24 budget released today by President Ted Carter.
Carter's proposed operati . . .
The University of Nebraska will need to implement a bold plan to strategically redeploy its resources in order to close its budget shortfall while advancing its highest priorities of affordability, academic competitiveness and operational efficiency, under a recommended 2023-24 budget released today by President Ted Carter.
Carter's proposed operati . . .