Here's a look at documents from U.S. foundations
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Understanding Lynch Syndrome: The Genetic Link to Colorectal Cancer
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, March 27 -- The Prevent Cancer Foundation issued the following news:
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Understanding Lynch syndrome: The genetic link to colorectal cancer
By Pim Suwannarat, M.D.
Pim Suwannarat, M.D., is a board-certified geneticist and chief of Genetics at the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group. She sees patients at the Kaiser Permanente Marlow Heights Medical Center.
You may know that lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol in excess and eating a diet high in red meat increase your risk of colorectal cancer.
But did you know there is an inherited genetic disorder
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ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, March 27 -- The Prevent Cancer Foundation issued the following news:
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Understanding Lynch syndrome: The genetic link to colorectal cancer
By Pim Suwannarat, M.D.
Pim Suwannarat, M.D., is a board-certified geneticist and chief of Genetics at the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group. She sees patients at the Kaiser Permanente Marlow Heights Medical Center.
You may know that lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol in excess and eating a diet high in red meat increase your risk of colorectal cancer.
But did you know there is an inherited genetic disorderlinked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer? Lynch syndrome (also called hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer) is the most common inherited colorectal cancer syndrome*, with an estimated 1 in 300 people having the disorder.
A diagnosis of Lynch syndrome influences colorectal cancer prevention and screening. As a board-certified geneticist, my job is to make people aware of Lynch syndrome and what it means for colorectal cancer screening. Here's what I want you to know when it comes to this risk factor--and what you can do to stay on top of your health:
What is Lynch syndrome?
Lynch syndrome is a genetic syndrome associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer as well as ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and other cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomach and pancreatic cancers.
If I have Lynch syndrome, will I get cancer?
Not necessarily! People with Lynch syndrome do not always get cancer. Lynch syndrome is usually caused by a mutation of one of five genes: MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 or EPCAM. Depending on which gene is affected, a patient with Lynch syndrome's lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is 9%-61%, compared with about 4% for those who do not have Lynch syndrome.1
The numbers may sound scary, but awareness of Lynch syndrome enables people to take charge of their health.
How do I know if I have Lynch syndrome?
People with Lynch syndrome do not have any symptoms unless or until they develop cancer. The only way to know for sure is to undergo genetic testing or tumor screening followed by genetic testing. You should consider genetic testing if:
* You have had a colorectal cancer diagnosis. The tumor can be tested for indicators of Lynch syndrome and based on this, additional genetic testing may be recommended to check your risk for other types of cancer. You can also inform family members, who may opt to get tested.
* You have a first-degree family member who has Lynch syndrome.
* You have multiple close relatives who have had cancers associated with Lynch syndrome (colorectal cancer, other gastrointestinal tract cancers, uterine cancer, endometrial cancer and more), particularly if they were diagnosed at a young age (under age 50).
Check with your insurance company before meeting with a genetic counselor or health care provider to see if the meeting and/or genetic testing are covered by your insurance. If testing is not covered, explore free and low-cost options available near you.
READ ALSO | My fight for future generations: colorectal cancer screening access (
Although most people who have cancer do not have a genetic mutation--only 5%-10% of cancer cases are caused by hereditary gene mutations--it's a good idea to discuss your family health history and learn whether you could be at higher risk for cancer. Use this tool to gather your family health history and discuss it with your health care provider.
If I find out I have Lynch syndrome, I think I will be really scared. What should I do?
Knowing about a genetic condition may take an emotional toll. Some people may choose not to find out whether they have Lynch syndrome, and that's okay. But as a geneticist, I often remind people that knowledge is power--if you are tested and do find out you have Lynch syndrome, you can take steps proactively to lower your risk of developing colorectal and other cancers. You'll also have more information about the types of screenings you need, the warning signs to be aware of, and the importance of staying on top of your health care appointments.
Regardless of your decision, everyone should get routine cancer screenings to prevent cancer or detect it early, when successful treatment is more likely. Even if you test negative for these mutations, you would still carry the same risk as the general population and would need to follow screening recommendations for those at average risk--you can check with your health care provider to learn more about what's right for you.
Colorectal cancer screening is recommended for people at average risk starting at age 45, with a colonoscopy, an at-home, stool-based test or another type of test. If you have Lynch syndrome, you will be advised to start screening with a colonoscopy at a younger age, sometimes as early as your 20s. While colonoscopies are usually recommended every 10 years, people with Lynch syndrome may need to repeat them every couple of years.
Colonoscopies are typically the recommended screening method for those at increased risk due to the ability to find and remove precancerous polyps during the procedure before they potentially turn into cancer.
Is there a cure for Lynch syndrome?
While there's no cure for Lynch syndrome, we know a lot about gene-specific risk for people with the syndrome. If you have Lynch syndrome, your health care team can work with you to develop a cancer screening plan that is tailored toward your specific mutation.
Early Detection = Better Outcomes, and many cancers are more treatable than ever before. If you are concerned about Lynch syndrome, reach out to your doctor to discuss whether genetic testing is right for you.
* While the most common inherited syndrome linked with colorectal cancers is Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and other rarer syndromes exist and can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Genetic testing could also include testing for these syndromes.
1. Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal, Endometrial, and Gastric: Guidelines Detail [Internet]. National Comprehensive Cancer Network; 2024 [cited 2024 Oct 16]. Available from:
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WLF to En Banc Ninth Circuit: Return to the Ordinary Test for Retroactive Application of Law
WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The Washington Legal Foundation issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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WLF to En Banc Ninth Circuit: Return to the Ordinary Test for Retroactive Application of Law
Case: Ratha v. Rubico Resources LLC
Issues: Business Civil Liberties and Criminal Liability | Class Actions | Countering the Plaintiffs' Bar | Economic and Individual Liberties
"Without an express congressional statement otherwise, statutes that substantively alter a party's rights do not apply to pre-enactment conduct."
--Cory Andrews, WLF General Counsel & Vice President of Litigation
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WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The Washington Legal Foundation issued the following news release on March 25, 2025:
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WLF to En Banc Ninth Circuit: Return to the Ordinary Test for Retroactive Application of Law
Case: Ratha v. Rubico Resources LLC
Issues: Business Civil Liberties and Criminal Liability | Class Actions | Countering the Plaintiffs' Bar | Economic and Individual Liberties
"Without an express congressional statement otherwise, statutes that substantively alter a party's rights do not apply to pre-enactment conduct."
--Cory Andrews, WLF General Counsel & Vice President of Litigation
Clickhere for WLF's brief.
Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) today asked an en banc panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to return to the ordinary test for determining whether a statute applies retroactively to pre-enactment conduct. WLF's amicus brief was prepared with the generous pro bono assistance of Joshua M. Wesneski and Sydney Hargrove of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP.
Rather than apply the U.S. Supreme Court's traditional framework from Landgraf v. USI Film Products (1994), the panel here determined the retroactive effect of the 2023 amendment to the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPRA) by asking whether that amendment served only to "clarify the intent of an earlier Congress." The panel undertook that inquiry because of previous panel decisions that recognized a so called "exception" to Landgraf for statutory amendments that purport to "clarify" the law rather than alter it.
In its amicus brief to the en banc court of appeals, WLF urged the Ninth Circuit to dispense with its "clarifying legislation" exception and decide this case--and all other retroactivity cases--based on Landgraf's framework. As WLF's brief explained, the "clarifying legislation" exception is inconsistent with Landgraf. Such amendments in fact raise the precise same fairness and notice concerns as any other change in the law.
What's more, the "clarifying legislation" exception elevates Congress's interpretation of the law over the judiciary's, violating separation of powers and background constitutional principles. At bottom, the exception rests on an inaccurate and unrealistic view of the legislative process, presuming that a later Congress can accurately divine the subjective intent of an earlier Congress. At the very least, WLF contends, the exception should not apply when a precedential decision in a jurisdiction has already construed the relevant statutory provision.
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[Category: Law/Legal]
TPPF Releases Research Paper Shedding Light on Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
AUSTIN, Texas, March 26 -- The Texas Public Policy Foundation issued the following news release:
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TPPF Releases a New Research Paper Shedding Light on Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
Local governments are spending as much as $98 million to lobby the state government, using tax dollars that could go to public safety, infrastructure, or tax relief, according to a new report by the Texas Public Policy Foundation.
"Local governments are lobbying state government for more government. The obvious outcome of this activity is higher taxes, more spending, and the continued California-zation of Texas governments,"
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AUSTIN, Texas, March 26 -- The Texas Public Policy Foundation issued the following news release:
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TPPF Releases a New Research Paper Shedding Light on Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying
Local governments are spending as much as $98 million to lobby the state government, using tax dollars that could go to public safety, infrastructure, or tax relief, according to a new report by the Texas Public Policy Foundation.
"Local governments are lobbying state government for more government. The obvious outcome of this activity is higher taxes, more spending, and the continued California-zation of Texas governments,"said TPPF's James Quintero. "The 89th Texas Legislature must make it a top priority to ban taxpayer-funded lobbying."
According to a poll conducted by WPA Intelligence for TPPF, 8 in 10 Texans oppose using tax dollars to hire lobbyists.
Here are a few other key points from the report:
* The practice of taxpayer-funded lobbying violates the principles of constitutional order and limited government.
* Local governments that spend tax dollars to hire lobbyists oftentimes do so for the purpose of securing higher taxes, more spending, and greater regulatory authority.
* In 2023, local governments spent as much as $98.6 million to hire contract lobbyists--an increase from $75 million in 2021.
Read the full research paper here (
Watch our panel from Texas Policy Summit 2025 on taxpayer-funded lobbying here (
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SLF Defends the First Amendment Rights of Pregnancy Centers in Court Brief
ROSWELL, Georgia, March 26 -- The Southeastern Legal Foundation issued the following news release:
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SLF defends the First Amendment rights of pregnancy centers in court brief
Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF), an organization of top attorneys that regularly defend Americans' constitutional rights, joined a coalition of organizations to file an amici (friend of the court) brief with the Second Circuit in support of First Amendment rights for pro-life pregnancy centers, which have been attacked by the NY AG for reversing the effects of abortion pills.
NIFLA v. James AAF is a case in the
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ROSWELL, Georgia, March 26 -- The Southeastern Legal Foundation issued the following news release:
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SLF defends the First Amendment rights of pregnancy centers in court brief
Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF), an organization of top attorneys that regularly defend Americans' constitutional rights, joined a coalition of organizations to file an amici (friend of the court) brief with the Second Circuit in support of First Amendment rights for pro-life pregnancy centers, which have been attacked by the NY AG for reversing the effects of abortion pills.
NIFLA v. James AAF is a case in theSecond Circuit Court of Appeals where crisis pregnancy centers are suing the New York Attorney General for "threatening their ability specifically, and pro-life organizations generally, to engage in the exercise of their rights to free speech and free association."
SLF argues that AG Letitia James used "intimidation tactics to chill pro-life speech" to undermine the operations of pro-life centers while violating its First Amendment rights. AG James has targeted crisis pregnancy centers, alleging that their statements about progesterone therapy (abortion reversal drugs) constitute "deceptive acts or practices" and "false advertising" under New York law.
SLF continues, "Attorney General James has shown specific antipathy for crisis pregnancy centers, which she has called 'fake clinics,' and has taken legal action against other pro-life organizations." SLF states that AG James has a record of "weaponizing" her legal power to attack her political enemies and "show[s] specific antipathy for crisis pregnancy centers, which she has called 'fake clinics.'"
The brief concludes that, "This pattern of behavior indicates Attorney General James' prejudicial approach to the law, treating it as a weapon to wield against those for whom she holds political antipathy."
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SEC Rules in Favor of Shareholder Proposal at Travelers on Climate Risk
OAKLAND, California, March 26 -- As You Sow Foundation posted the following news release:
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SEC Rules in Favor of Shareholder Proposal at Travelers on Climate Risk
As You Sow's proposal requests that Travelers disclose the expected impact of its climate-related pricing and coverage decisions on the sustainability of its homeowner's insurance
MEDIA CONTACT: Ryon Harms,, (310) 730-9407
EL CERRITO, CA--March 26, 2025 -- Today, As You Sow announced it has successfully defended its climate-related shareholder resolution against a No Action challenge from Travelers Companies
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OAKLAND, California, March 26 -- As You Sow Foundation posted the following news release:
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SEC Rules in Favor of Shareholder Proposal at Travelers on Climate Risk
As You Sow's proposal requests that Travelers disclose the expected impact of its climate-related pricing and coverage decisions on the sustainability of its homeowner's insurance
MEDIA CONTACT: Ryon Harms,, (310) 730-9407
EL CERRITO, CA--March 26, 2025 -- Today, As You Sow announced it has successfully defended its climate-related shareholder resolution against a No Action challenge from Travelers Companiesat the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The resolution, which will now proceed to a shareholder vote, requests that Travelers disclose the expected impact of its climate-related pricing and coverage decisions on the sustainability of its homeowners' insurance business under various climate scenarios.
"This is a win for investors seeking transparency on how the insurance industry is responding to climate change," said Danielle Fugere, President of As You Sow. "Travelers acknowledges that it adjusts pricing and coverage as climate risks grow, but the Company has failed to demonstrate how it will maintain a stable and profitable customer base amid rising climate-related disasters."
The climate-driven insurance crisis is intensifying, with insured losses in the U.S. reaching a record-breaking $113 billion in 2024. Insurers, including Travelers, have responded by raising premiums and withdrawing coverage in high-risk areas, leaving millions of homeowners uninsured or unable to afford protection. Nationwide, insurance premiums have increased by 24% between 2017 and 2023, far outpacing inflation.
Travelers, one of the largest home insurers in the U.S., saw its catastrophe losses jump from $1.85 billion in 2021 to $2.99 billion in 2023. In response, the company had a record-setting average renewal premium increase of 19.8% in 2023.
"Investors are asking a fundamental question: can Travelers maintain a viable homeowners' insurance business as climate impacts accelerate?" said Andrew Behar, CEO of As You Sow. "Transparency is needed on the impacts of climate-related pricing and insuring decisions."
The SEC's decision to reject Travelers' No Action request, which argued "micromanagement," underscores the significance of addressing climate risk to the long-term business model of insurers. In its No Action challenge, As You Sow highlighted that increasing premiums and cancellations could impact the size of Company's customer base--making Travelers' response to climate-related losses material to the value of the Company.
This victory builds on As You Sow's broader engagement with the insurance sector. In addition to Travelers, the organization has filed climate-related shareholder resolutions with Allstate, Berkshire Hathaway, and The Hartford, urging greater disclosure and accountability on underwriting and investment practices that contribute to climate risk.
As You Sow will continue pushing for accountability to ensure that insurance companies address the long-term sustainability of their business in a rapidly changing climate.
About As You So w
As You Sow is the nation's leading shareholder representative, with a 30-year track record promoting environmental and social corporate responsibility. Its focus areas include climate change, ocean plastics, toxins in the food system, the Rights of Nature, racial justice, and workplace diversity. Click here to view As You Sow's shareholder resolution tracker.
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Executive Order on Critical Mineral Mining on National Public Lands Replaces Balance With Bulldozers
WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The Conservation Lands Foundation issued the following news release:
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New Executive Order on Critical Mineral Mining on National Public Lands Replaces Balance with Bulldozers
A recently-announced Executive Order on critical minerals mining continues the Trump administration's pattern that replaces balance and consideration for the multiple needs of public lands management with bulldozers and a disregard for any policy outcome other than destruction of public lands. A statement from the White House on March 20, 2025 outlined "Immediate Measures to Increase American
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WASHINGTON, March 26 -- The Conservation Lands Foundation issued the following news release:
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New Executive Order on Critical Mineral Mining on National Public Lands Replaces Balance with Bulldozers
A recently-announced Executive Order on critical minerals mining continues the Trump administration's pattern that replaces balance and consideration for the multiple needs of public lands management with bulldozers and a disregard for any policy outcome other than destruction of public lands. A statement from the White House on March 20, 2025 outlined "Immediate Measures to Increase AmericanMineral Production."
Below is a statement from Chris Hill, CEO of the Conservation Lands Foundation, which represents a national network of community advocates who are solely focused on the National Conservation Lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management.
"We recognize the need to produce domestic critical minerals, but to do so without any regard for environmental protections or public input, and prioritizing mining over all other uses of public lands, is lazy, reckless, and ignores the financial values that natural landscapes are providing for rural communities, ranching, recreation, hunting, and fishing across the west.
"Public lands management is supposed to balance the needs of responsible energy development and resource extraction with people's right to access and enjoy these areas. Instead, this Executive Order replaces balance with bulldozers. National public lands are not one big manufacturing facility for oil and gas companies or international mining firms that will export our precious natural resources to benefit others.
"Necessary and appropriate critical minerals production must respect environmental laws, the rights and traditions of Indigenous people, and the long-term preservation of the land and essential wildlife habitats that are part of the natural and national legacy that belongs to all of us.
"We support balanced and responsible uses of public lands but will fiercely fight against irresponsible, exploitative, and egregious efforts to plunder our national public lands that are essential wildlife habitats, water sources, recreation areas --for short-term profit that does not benefit American taxpayers."
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Dr. Seuss Foundation and San Diego Foundation Launch $15M 'Ready to Learn' Initiative to Transform Early Literacy in San Diego County
SAN DIEGO, California, March 26 -- The San Diego Foundation posted the following news release:
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Dr. Seuss Foundation and San Diego Foundation Launch $15M 'Ready to Learn' Initiative to Transform Early Literacy in San Diego County
New partnership awards $1M+ in inaugural grants to 18 nonprofits
March 26, 2025 - San Diego, CA - Dr. Seuss Foundation and San Diego Foundation (SDF) today announced the launch of Ready to Learn, a joint initiative to support early literacy development for young children in San Diego County. Unveiled at a press conference in the San Diego Central Library, the
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SAN DIEGO, California, March 26 -- The San Diego Foundation posted the following news release:
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Dr. Seuss Foundation and San Diego Foundation Launch $15M 'Ready to Learn' Initiative to Transform Early Literacy in San Diego County
New partnership awards $1M+ in inaugural grants to 18 nonprofits
March 26, 2025 - San Diego, CA - Dr. Seuss Foundation and San Diego Foundation (SDF) today announced the launch of Ready to Learn, a joint initiative to support early literacy development for young children in San Diego County. Unveiled at a press conference in the San Diego Central Library, thenew program builds upon the organizations' successful three-year collaboration, which has provided more than $3 million in grants to expand access to early educational opportunities and improve reading skills for children in the region.
"Dr. Seuss Foundation is excited to deepen our partnership with San Diego Foundation to create lasting change in early literacy," said Jay Hill, Executive Director, Dr. Seuss Foundation. "Through Ready to Learn, we're honoring Theodor Geisel's legacy by ensuring that the joy of reading reaches children during their most formative years, setting them on a path toward lifelong learning and success."
Ready to Learn is established through a $15 million SDF endowment by the Dr. Seuss Foundation. An endowment is a permanent fund that is invested to generate revenue in perpetuity, providing long-term financial support for community needs. The endowment ensures Ready to Learn's sustainability and long-term impact on early childhood literacy in the region forever.
"A child's brain is 90 percent developed by age 5, making early literacy essential for school readiness and lifelong success," said Mark Stuart, President and CEO of San Diego Foundation. "Strengthening our collaboration with the Dr. Seuss Foundation ensures every child in San Diego County has the opportunity to develop a strong foundation in reading during those crucial first five years."
The two foundations also announced $1,050,000 in grants to 18 local literacy nonprofits. Ready to Learn inaugural grantees include:
* American Association of Pediatrics - California Chapter 3 : $75,000 to expand the Reach Out and Read program that incorporates books and literacy guidance as a standard of care in pediatric medical offices, fostering emotional bonding and healthy cognitive and social development.
* Basic Assistance to Students in the Community (BASIC) : $25,000 to provide social, emotional and cognitive development support for transitional kindergarten (TK) students as preparation for kindergarten.
* Boys and Girls Club of Vista : $30,000 to foster a love for reading through hands-on activities and resources for early learners and their families.
* Chicano Federation : $50,000 to support children and families through resources for early learning success.
* Diamond Educational Excellence Partnership (DEEP) : $75,000 to strengthen the capacity of caregivers to provide children with experiences that prepare them for early learning success.
* Episcopal Community Services : $75,000 to enhance early literacy for low-income children, fostering kindergarten readiness and family engagement.
* Father Joe's Villages : $75,000 to help families imagine a brighter future and make it a reality through family literacy programming.
* Library Foundation SD : $50,000 to ensure youth have the literacy skills they need to learn and thrive in kindergarten.
* Literacy Partners : $50,000 to empower and offer resources to Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers in San Diego to support children's early literacy and development.
* Monarch School Project : $75,000 to improve access to quality, data-driven and evidence-based early education for children, ages 0 - 5, and their families.
* Reading Legacies : $50,000 to promote literacy and strong, resilient families through facilitated read-aloud experiences.
* San Diego Rescue Mission : $75,000 to improve early education and literacy for homeless children by creating literacy-rich environments, addressing trauma and learning barriers, and equipping caregivers with tools to support development.
* SBCS : $75,000 to equip children exposed to trauma with the academic and emotional foundation needed for long-term success.
* Social Advocates for Youth (SAY) San Diego Inc. : $35,000 to boost early reading skills for K-3 students through transformative programs.
* Somali Family Service of San Diego : $50,000 to foster equity in educational readiness through culturally attuned strategies and supportive services for children from low-income refugee backgrounds.
* TrueCare : $75,000 to support the early development of children through guided support for parents on a journey toward a shared love of reading and stronger family bonds.
* Words Alive : $75,000 to lay a foundation for a lifelong love of reading by connecting reading and play for young children and their families.
* YMCA of San Diego County : $35,000 to support Expanded Learning Programs to better meet the needs of TK and kindergarten students through age-appropriate supplies, staff training and caregiver orientations.
The need for early literacy support is pressing. Recently, the Nation's Report Card showed that in both reading and math, most fourth- and eighth-graders in 2024 still performed below pre-pandemic 2019 levels. According to the San Diego Council on Literacy, nearly half (46%) of third graders in the San Diego Unified School District do not meet state standards for language arts (reading/writing) and 20-25% of adults in San Diego County read prose at the lowest level of literacy (grade level equivalent of 0-4).
Ready to Learn is part of San Diego Foundation's broader Fifty & Forward Campaign celebrating its collective impact to benefit the San Diego region, with a goal of granting $500 million to nonprofits while fundraising $1 billion to shape San Diego's future for the next 50 years. To learn more about Fifty & Forward, visit
For more information about Ready to Learn and how to support this initiative, please visit
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About Dr. Seuss Foundation
Dr. Seuss Foundation believes in the critical importance of early childhood education. The Foundation creates partnerships and funds programs that inspire learning, spark imagination, and expand opportunities for all children. Because children's brains are 90 percent developed by the age of five and research shows strong outcomes for students who read at grade level by the end of third grade, the Dr. Seuss Foundation takes a special interest in supporting programs that enhance literacy development from birth through third grade. Our community initiatives cultivate everything from social development to mathematical reasoning to environmental awareness, often strengthening multiple types of literacy at the same time. Learn more at
Contact: Jewell Karinen,
About San Diego Foundation
San Diego Foundation believes in just, equitable and resilient communities where every San Diegan can thrive, prosper and feel like they belong. We partner with donors, nonprofits and regional leaders to co-create solutions that respond to community needs and strengthen San Diego. Since our founding in 1975, our community foundation has granted $1.8 billion to nonprofits to improve quality of life in San Diego County and beyond. Join us in commemorating 50 years of impact - and looking toward the next 50 - by learning more at
Contact: Lorena Nava Ruggero,, 619-814-1365
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