Federal Grant Opportunities
Here's a look at news stories involving grant opportunities from the federal government
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DoD Announces FY 2026 Multidisciplinary Research Initiative (MURI) for Universities
By Aliza Qamar
WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The Department of Defense (DoD), through the Office of Naval Research (ONR), has announced the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI).
This program aims to support high-risk basic research leading to significant scientific breakthroughs and revolutionary military technologies.
The MURI program, established 40 years ago, funds multidisciplinary teams to address complex, fundamental research areas relevant to national defense. Service Program Officers actively manage these projects, providing crucial research
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WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The Department of Defense (DoD), through the Office of Naval Research (ONR), has announced the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI).
This program aims to support high-risk basic research leading to significant scientific breakthroughs and revolutionary military technologies.
The MURI program, established 40 years ago, funds multidisciplinary teams to address complex, fundamental research areas relevant to national defense. Service Program Officers actively manage these projects, providing crucial researchguidance.
This competition is open exclusively to U.S. institutions of higher education (universities) with science and/or engineering degree-granting programs, including DoD institutions. University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), if part of a U.S. university and not designated as an FFRDC, are also eligible.
Ineligible organizations, such as industry, DoD laboratories, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), and foreign entities, can collaborate on research but cannot receive MURI funds directly or through subawards.
The solicitation document, accessible through the provided link, contains detailed topic descriptions and further information. Applicants should refer to this document for specific white paper due dates.
The final application deadline is September 05, 2025, but white paper deadlines occur prior to this date.
The program falls under Assistance Listings 12.300, Basic and Applied Scientific Research. There is no specified award ceiling or floor.
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View grant announcement here: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/358585
$8.5 Million in Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance Grants Available for Maine
By Aliza Qamar
WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The Department of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has announced a funding opportunity offering $8,526,240 in grant funding through the Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) specifically for Maine.
This program aims to support victims of mass violence and terrorism through the Antiterrorism Emergency Reserve.
This is an "Invited to Apply" opportunity, meaning OVC will directly contact potential applicants. This restriction is due to the program's focus on responding to specific cases of terrorism and mass violence. Applications can only be submitted
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WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The Department of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has announced a funding opportunity offering $8,526,240 in grant funding through the Antiterrorism Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP) specifically for Maine.
This program aims to support victims of mass violence and terrorism through the Antiterrorism Emergency Reserve.
This is an "Invited to Apply" opportunity, meaning OVC will directly contact potential applicants. This restriction is due to the program's focus on responding to specific cases of terrorism and mass violence. Applications can only be submittedafter OVC consultation with eligible organizations.
The AEAP provides grants for crisis response, consequence management, criminal justice support, and crime victim compensation. These grants supplement existing resources when a jurisdiction is overwhelmed by the scale of an incident, hindering its ability to serve victims of both the mass violence and other crimes effectively.
OVC typically utilizes AEAP funds for incidents with a broad, indiscriminate targeting of victims or other unique crime aspects, where existing resources are insufficient. The funds can provide emergency relief, long-term victim support, and facilitate victim participation in the judicial process. It can also supplement state crime victim compensation programs for out-of-pocket expenses related to victimization. Funding can be retroactive to the incident's date.
Applicants must demonstrate that AEAP funds will supplement existing resources and directly support victims of the specific incident. OVC may provide no-cost consultants to assist with the application process.
The application deadline is March 24, 2025.
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View grant announcement here: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/358584
$600,000 Grant Available for Water Supply Analysis at Coleman National Fish Hatchery
By Aliza Qamar
WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has announced a funding opportunity, F25AS00274, offering a $600,000 grant for a comprehensive water supply analysis project at the Coleman National Fish Hatchery (CNFH) Intake 2.
The project, under the Red Bluff Fish and Wildlife Office (RBFWO), Battle Creek Program, aims to gather crucial baseline data for the future design of a fish-safe diversion at Intake 2 on Battle Creek.
The grant will support fluvial geomorphic, hydrologic, bathymetric, and terrestrial surveying, including a sediment transport analysis. These analyses
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WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has announced a funding opportunity, F25AS00274, offering a $600,000 grant for a comprehensive water supply analysis project at the Coleman National Fish Hatchery (CNFH) Intake 2.
The project, under the Red Bluff Fish and Wildlife Office (RBFWO), Battle Creek Program, aims to gather crucial baseline data for the future design of a fish-safe diversion at Intake 2 on Battle Creek.
The grant will support fluvial geomorphic, hydrologic, bathymetric, and terrestrial surveying, including a sediment transport analysis. These analysesare essential for assessing stream conditions, modeling flow and sediment regimes, and ensuring adequate water diversions for CNFH in perpetuity. CNFH, a major salmonid production hatchery, plays a vital role in supporting economically significant sport fisheries.
The project is part of a collaborative effort involving RBFWO, CNFH, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to improve water infrastructure. A key objective is to establish a secondary population of endangered winter-run Chinook Salmon in Battle Creek, with CNFH serving as a primary rearing site. The current water intake system, however, requires upgrades to meet specific standards.
The analysis and model generated through this grant will directly assist BOR in designing an updated water intake system, helping CNFH achieve its production goals. Deliverables will include a comprehensive assessment for the future design team.
Eligible applicants are those approved by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
The application deadline is April 20, 2025, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Applications must be submitted electronically.
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View grant announcement here: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/358583
USGS Announces $5 Million in Earthquake Hazards Research Grants for Fiscal Year 2026
By Aliza Qamar
WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has released a funding opportunity, G26AS00244, offering up to $5 million in grants for external research related to earthquake hazards.
The initiative, under the Earthquake Hazards Program, aims to advance understanding of earthquake physics, occurrence, and safety policies.
The funding opportunity, announced on March 21, 2025, is open to a wide range of applicants, including individuals and entities, excluding U.S. government agencies, employees, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), and those with conflicts of
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WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has released a funding opportunity, G26AS00244, offering up to $5 million in grants for external research related to earthquake hazards.
The initiative, under the Earthquake Hazards Program, aims to advance understanding of earthquake physics, occurrence, and safety policies.
The funding opportunity, announced on March 21, 2025, is open to a wide range of applicants, including individuals and entities, excluding U.S. government agencies, employees, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), and those with conflicts ofinterest. Proposals focused on regional seismic monitoring, establishing data centers, or long-term operation of geodetic networks are also ineligible. Additionally, proposals with subcontracts exceeding 50% of total direct costs will not be considered.
While there is no maximum award limit, the majority of grants are expected to range between $30,000 and $120,000. The USGS anticipates funding approximately 50 to 70 new awards.
Applicants must submit their proposals electronically through Grants.gov by May 28, 2025, at 6:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. The estimated total program funding is $5,000,000. All projects funded under this opportunity must have a start date between January 1, 2026, and September 1, 2026.
Eligible applicants are urged to subscribe to Grants.gov for updates regarding this funding opportunity (CFDA number 15.807). The USGS also conducts a review of the SAM.gov Exclusions database to ensure that applicants and key project personnel are not excluded from receiving federal funds.
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View grant announcement here: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/358582
$20 Million Boost for Coastal Wetland Conservation Projects Nationwide
By Aliza Qamar
WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has launched a significant $20 million grant initiative, the Fiscal Year 2026 National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program aimed at safeguarding and revitalizing vital coastal wetland ecosystems.
This funding opportunity seeks to empower state and territory agencies to undertake projects that protect and restore these crucial environments, benefiting both local communities and diverse wildlife populations, while also enhancing recreational opportunities.
The program will distribute cost-sharing grants to eligible agencies,
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WASHINGTON, March 24 -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has launched a significant $20 million grant initiative, the Fiscal Year 2026 National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program aimed at safeguarding and revitalizing vital coastal wetland ecosystems.
This funding opportunity seeks to empower state and territory agencies to undertake projects that protect and restore these crucial environments, benefiting both local communities and diverse wildlife populations, while also enhancing recreational opportunities.
The program will distribute cost-sharing grants to eligible agencies,facilitating projects focused on acquiring real property interests in coastal wetlands and implementing restoration, enhancement, or management strategies for existing wetlands. These ecosystems are indispensable for flood control, maintaining water quality, and providing essential habitats for a wide range of species. Moreover, they significantly contribute to the national economy through recreational and commercial activities such as fishing, boating, and tourism.
Eligibility for this program is strictly limited to state and territory agencies designated by their respective governors, typically natural resource or fish and wildlife agencies. Eligible regions encompass states and territories bordering the Great Lakes, the Atlantic, Gulf (excluding Louisiana), and Pacific coasts. Specifically, the eligible states and territories include Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawai'i, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. Louisiana is excluded from this opportunity due to separate funding provisions.
Projects involving the creation of new wetlands where they did not previously exist or those that do not demonstrate a direct and significant benefit to coastal wetland ecosystems are ineligible. Applicants are required to provide matching funds, with individual grants ranging from $50,000 to $1,000,000, and a total program funding of $20,000,000.
The deadline for electronically submitted applications is July 18, 2025, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Applicants must provide evidence of the current or historical presence of wetlands at their project sites and demonstrate compliance with all applicable federal environmental regulations.
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View grant announcement here: https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/358586