Thursday - March 20, 2025
Federal Contract Awards
Track your competition
Here's an example if you were tracking Northrop Grumman, the huge defense contractor. Click here.
See who won contracts in your state
Here's an example if you were tracking Oklahoma. Click here.
Track specific product lines, including by NAICS codes.
Click here. for example of
Code 336413, which is Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
Congressional Voting
Track how your House members, or the entire state, votes in Congress.
Track how your two Senators are voting in Congress.
Here is an example of a customized vote chart for a Minnesota newspaper.
Click here.
Congressional Bill Introductions
Track Senators
Here is an example of legislation introduced by the two U.S. Senators from Florida. Click here.
Track House members
Here is an example of legislation introduced by the U.S. House delegation from Maryland. Click here.
Track legislation by your key words
Here is an example of legislation introduced in a recent week involving defense issues. Click here.
Federal Grant Opportunities
Available by type of recipient
Available by type of grant category
News Budget for Editors by State
Get the latest public policy and government oriented information daily as story tips or suggestions.
Tell us your geography or we can set you up for statewide information.
A quick and easy way to track what government is doing that may affect you and your readers.
Federal Patent Awards
Track patents awarded to companies
Track patents to individuals
Track patents by products