Nextgen computing: Hard-to-move quasiparticles glide up pyramid edges
November 28, 2023
November 28, 2023
ANN ARBOR, Michigan, Nov. 28 -- The University of Michigan issued the following news release:
Computing with a combination of light and chargeless excitons could beat heat losses and more, but excitons need new modes of transport
A colorized atomic force microscopy image of a silicon dioxide pyramid with a single layer of tungsten diselenide draped over it. The green line is a graph of the exciton distribution, and the red arrow shows its path from the bottom of the pyr . . .
Computing with a combination of light and chargeless excitons could beat heat losses and more, but excitons need new modes of transport
A colorized atomic force microscopy image of a silicon dioxide pyramid with a single layer of tungsten diselenide draped over it. The green line is a graph of the exciton distribution, and the red arrow shows its path from the bottom of the pyr . . .