Deadline Approaching in Texas for SBA Working Capital Loans Due to Drought
November 09, 2023
November 09, 2023
SACRAMENTO, California, Nov. 9 -- The Small Business Administration's Office of Disaster Assistance issued the following news release on Nov. 7, 2023:
Director Jeffrey Lusk of the U.S. Small Business Administration's Disaster Field Operations Center-West today reminded small nonfarm businesses in 15 Texas counties of the Dec. 7 deadline to apply for an SBA federal disaster loan for economic injury. These low-interest loans are to offset economic losses because of reduced r . . .
Director Jeffrey Lusk of the U.S. Small Business Administration's Disaster Field Operations Center-West today reminded small nonfarm businesses in 15 Texas counties of the Dec. 7 deadline to apply for an SBA federal disaster loan for economic injury. These low-interest loans are to offset economic losses because of reduced r . . .