Michelin Guide Validates Atlanta's Culinary Scene, Georgia Institute of Technology Experts Say
September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023
ATLANTA, Georgia, Sept. 14 (TNSres) -- Georgia Institute of Technology issued the following news:
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As Atlanta's culinary scene is being evaluated by the Michelin Guide's anonymous inspectors, Georgia Tech experts explain how the guide's arrival could affect the metro area.
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Joining the ranks of the top culinary scenes around the world, Atlanta will become the ninth U.S. destination to receive an evaluation from the anon . . .
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As Atlanta's culinary scene is being evaluated by the Michelin Guide's anonymous inspectors, Georgia Tech experts explain how the guide's arrival could affect the metro area.
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Joining the ranks of the top culinary scenes around the world, Atlanta will become the ninth U.S. destination to receive an evaluation from the anon . . .