Reed Statement on Trump's Latest Indictment
August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16 -- Sen. Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island, issued the following statement on Aug. 15, 2023:
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After news broke late last night that former President Donald Trump was indicted by a grand jury in Georgia on several criminal charges, including violating the state's racketeering act; soliciting a public officer to violate their oath; conspiring to impersonate a public officer; conspiring to commit forgery in the first degree; and conspiring to file fals . . .
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After news broke late last night that former President Donald Trump was indicted by a grand jury in Georgia on several criminal charges, including violating the state's racketeering act; soliciting a public officer to violate their oath; conspiring to impersonate a public officer; conspiring to commit forgery in the first degree; and conspiring to file fals . . .