Earthjustice: Fishing Industry Groups Notify Tire Companies of Intent to Sue Over 6PPD Impacts to Salmon, Steelhead
August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
SEATTLE, Washington, Aug. 16 -- Earthjustice issued the following news release:
The Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) and the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations (PCFFA) today notified U.S. tire manufacturers of their intent to sue over the use of a chemical called 6PPD in rubber tires because of its devastating impacts on Endangered Species Act (ESA)-protected salmon and steelhead. When 6PPD reacts with ground-level ozone, it breaks down into 6PPD-q -- t . . .
The Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) and the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations (PCFFA) today notified U.S. tire manufacturers of their intent to sue over the use of a chemical called 6PPD in rubber tires because of its devastating impacts on Endangered Species Act (ESA)-protected salmon and steelhead. When 6PPD reacts with ground-level ozone, it breaks down into 6PPD-q -- t . . .