With Child Care Funding Cliff Looming, Reed Urges Congress to Swiftly Address Root Causes of Child Care Crisis & Expand Affordable Child Care Options
August 03, 2023
August 03, 2023
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, Aug. 3 -- Sen. Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island, issued the following news release on Aug. 2, 2023:
Over the last several years, federal aid has helped thousands of Rhode Island families access affordable child care and allowed local child care providers to staff up and pay skilled, educated workers a livable wage.
On September 30, the last of the federal COVID-19 relief money from President Biden's American Rescue Plan (P.L. 117-2) will stop flo . . .
Over the last several years, federal aid has helped thousands of Rhode Island families access affordable child care and allowed local child care providers to staff up and pay skilled, educated workers a livable wage.
On September 30, the last of the federal COVID-19 relief money from President Biden's American Rescue Plan (P.L. 117-2) will stop flo . . .