Creighton University: Kirkpatrick to Be Inducted as Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing
July 01, 2023
July 01, 2023
OMAHA, Nebraska, July 1 (TNSres) -- Creighton University issued the following news:
Mandy Kirkpatrick, PhD, BSN'05, RN, associate professor and Brooks Scholar in the Creighton University College of Nursing, has been named a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
"Induction into the American Academy of Nursing is a tremendous honor - less than 1% of U.S. nurses achieve this recognition," said Catherine Todero, PhD, BSN'72, RN, FAAN, dean of the Co . . .
Mandy Kirkpatrick, PhD, BSN'05, RN, associate professor and Brooks Scholar in the Creighton University College of Nursing, has been named a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
"Induction into the American Academy of Nursing is a tremendous honor - less than 1% of U.S. nurses achieve this recognition," said Catherine Todero, PhD, BSN'72, RN, FAAN, dean of the Co . . .