Reed, Whitehouse & Magaziner Announce $500,000 to Support Revitalization of Blighted Colonial Knife Factory Into Budding What Cheer Flower Farm
June 01, 2023
June 01, 2023
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, June 1 -- Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-Rhode Island, issued the following news release on May 31, 2023:
What Cheer Flower Farm in Olneyville has $500,000 more reasons to cheer as it continues to remediate and redevelop a 2.7 acre site in Providence that used to be home to the Colonial Knife factory, but has sat vacant for years.
Today, U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressman Seth Magaziner announced a $500,000 Brownfields C . . .
What Cheer Flower Farm in Olneyville has $500,000 more reasons to cheer as it continues to remediate and redevelop a 2.7 acre site in Providence that used to be home to the Colonial Knife factory, but has sat vacant for years.
Today, U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressman Seth Magaziner announced a $500,000 Brownfields C . . .