Utah State University: Utah With No Great Salt Lake? Report Warns Of Lake's Ultimate Demise Without Action
January 10, 2023
January 10, 2023
LOGAN, Utah, Jan. 10 (TNSrpt) -- Utah State University issued the following news:
Authors of a new report on the Great Salt Lake do not mince words -- without major intervention, they say, the Great Salt Lake could disappear within five years.
Coauthored by Utah State University Department of Watershed Science's Patrick Belmont and Janice Brahney in cooperation with 30 other water experts and advocates, the report calls for immediate legislative action to increase water . . .
Authors of a new report on the Great Salt Lake do not mince words -- without major intervention, they say, the Great Salt Lake could disappear within five years.
Coauthored by Utah State University Department of Watershed Science's Patrick Belmont and Janice Brahney in cooperation with 30 other water experts and advocates, the report calls for immediate legislative action to increase water . . .