Friday - March 14, 2025
State Tipoffs Involving Nebraska Newsletter for Sunday September 03, 2023 ( 15 items )  

Calif. A.G. Bonta Files Amicus Brief to Continue Supporting Strong Wage Protections for Federal Contractors
OAKLAND, California, Aug. 31 -- California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued the following news release on Aug. 29, 2023: California Attorney General Rob Bonta today joined a multistate amicus brief in support of stronger minimum wage protections for federal contractors in Nebraska v. Su. In the amicus brief before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, the coalition of attorneys general wrote in support of the U.S. Department of Labor, highlighting the importance of strong w  more

Creighton University: $1.7 Million NIH Grant Recognizes Creighton Research Into Lyme Disease
OMAHA, Nebraska, Sept. 1 (TNSres) -- Creighton University issued the following news: By Eugene Curtin Borrelia burgdorferi is on notice: Travis Bourret, PhD, has his eye on you. The National Institutes of Health has given the Creighton associate professor of medical microbiology and immunology $1.7 million to spend the next four years figuring out how the bacteria that causes Lyme disease senses and responds to its environment in a manner that permits it to be transmitted by ticks to humans.   more

Creighton University: NIH Asks Creighton Undergrads to Probe Survival Mechanisms of Cancer Tumors
OMAHA, Nebraska, Sept. 1 (TNSres) -- Creighton University issued the following news: By Eugene Curtin The effort to understand the structure and survival mechanisms of cancerous tumors underlies a new National Institutes of Health grant to Creighton University's vice provost for research and scholarship. Julie Strauss-Soukup, PhD, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, has received a three-year, $440,999 grant to investigate the overproduction of polyamines in cancerous tumors, including pr  more

Eidson Leads NHEBI, a Nonprofit Service and Research Institute Sponsored and Supported by Johnson County Community College
OVERLAND PARK, Kansas, Aug. 31 -- Johnson County Community College issued the following news release: Jacquelyn Eidson, Ph.D., director of the National Higher Education Benchmarking Institute, has been appointed to serve as a member of the Regional Advisory Committee: Central by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel A. Cardona, Ed.D. As a member of the Regional Advisory Committee: Central, Eidson will provide advice and recommendations regarding the educational needs of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri  more

Emory's CARES Partners With Helmsley Charitable Trust to Examine Cardiac Arrest Response in 8 Rural States
ATLANTA, Georgia, Aug. 31 -- Emory University issued the following news release: An Emory University registry that tracks out-of-hospital cardiac arrests nationwide is expanding into eight largely rural states thanks to new grant funding from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Emory's nationally distinguished Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) will use the three-year, $899,215 grant to improve cardiac arrest response and survivability in Iowa, Minnesota, Mont  more

CHICAGO, Illinois, Aug. 30 -- Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul issued the following news release: Attorney General Kwame Raoul led a coalition of 23 attorneys general in filing an amicus brief supporting the federal government's actions to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour for certain federal contractors. The policy was first enacted by presidential executive order in April 2021, and then implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor in November 2021 in the final rule, "Increasing th  more

Md. A.G. Brown Joins Coalition Supporting Fair Wages For Federal Contract Workers
BALTIMORE, Maryland, Aug. 30 -- Maryland Attorney General Anthony G. Brown issued the following news release on Aug. 29, 2023: Attorney General Brown today joined a coalition of 23 attorneys general in filing an amicus brief supporting the federal government's actions to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour for certain federal contractors. The policy was first enacted by presidential executive order in April 2021, and then implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor in November 2021 in the  more

Mich. A.G. Nessel Joins Coalition Supporting Fair Wages for Federal Contract Workers
LANSING, Michigan, Aug. 30 -- Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel issued the following news release: Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel joined a coalition of 23 attorneys general in filing an amicus brief supporting the federal government's actions to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour for certain federal contractors. The policy was first enacted by a presidential executive order in April 2021, and then implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor in November 2021 in the final rule,   more

Neb. A.G. Hilgers Requests FDA to Protect Kids From E-Cigarette Addiction
LINCOLN, Nebraska, Aug. 31 -- Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers issued the following news release on Aug. 30, 2023: Today, Attorney General Mike Hilgers and a bipartisan coalition of 33 attorneys general called on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its Center for Tobacco Products to do more to protect kids from e-cigarettes. The Attorney General's suggestions include limiting the flavors that draw kids in, reducing nicotine levels to prevent addiction, and protecting young peo  more

Neb. Gov. Pillen and Lincoln Mayor Announce Property Swap for New Prison
LINCOLN, Nebraska, Aug. 31 -- Gov. Jim Pillen, R-Nebraska, issued the following news release on Aug. 30, 2023: Today, Governor Jim Pillen joined Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird in announcing the new agreed upon site for the state's new 1,512-bed correctional facility. The property, approximately 300 acres, is located north of I-80 adjacent to 70th Street. In exchange, the state will relinquish property it had previously contracted at 112th and Adams. Gov. Pillen called the new location a "w  more

Neb. Gov. Pillen Establishes Women's Bill of Rights by Executive Order
LINCOLN, Nebraska, Aug. 31 -- Gov. Jim Pillen, R-Nebraska, issued the following news release on Aug. 30, 2023: Today, Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen signed an Executive Order establishing the Women's Bill of Rights. Gov. Pillen is the second U.S. Governor to sign such an order, declaring the biological definition of male and female. "It is common sense that men do not belong in women's only spaces," said Governor Pillen. "As Governor, it is my duty to protect our kids and women's athletics, whic  more

Neb. Gov. Pillen Issues Statement Following Submission of Signatures by "Support Our Schools" Nebraska
LINCOLN, Nebraska, Aug. 31 -- Gov. Jim Pillen, R-Nebraska, issued the following statement on Aug. 30, 2023: * * * Today, Governor Jim Pillen issued the following statement regarding the submission of signatures by Support Our Schools Nebraska to prevent LB753, the Opportunity Scholarship Act, from becoming law. "The union bosses running this political campaign failed to gather enough signatures to suspend this great program. We should not be fighting this fight. With the support of the Legisl  more

New Faculty Members Introduced at Northeast Community College
NORFOLK, Nebraska, Aug. 29 -- Northeast Community College issued the following news release: Northeast Community College has welcomed five new faculty members this fall. The instructors teach in the divisions of applied technology and business and humanities. New instructors are: Dr. Theresa Bane, Norfolk, psychology. Born in Sacramento, Calif., Bane earned an associate of arts degree from Sierra College and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology from California State University in Sacrame  more

Northeast Community College Breaks Ground for Addition
NORFOLK, Nebraska, Sept. 1 -- Northeast Community College issued the following news release: Ground has been broken for new and expanded facilities at Northeast Community College in South Sioux City that will help meet the training needs of business and industry in the Siouxland region. An 11,600-square-foot, commercial driver's license (CDL) truck driving training facility and an adjacent truck driving range, and a 1,500 square-foot addition to Northeast's existing Industrial Training buildin  more

Rural Prosperity Nebraska, Oklahoma State Team Up to Study Rural Resilience
LINCOLN, Nebraska, Aug. 29 (TNSres) -- The University of Nebraska Lincoln campus issued the following news release: * * * Water is the lifeblood for many rural communities, yet more than half of the United States is currently experiencing drought conditions. While water usage varies -- from residential needs to irrigation and livestock demands -- many communities' access to clean, dependable water is threatened by changing land management and climate. * * * These ongoing changes may dispropo  more