Saturday - March 15, 2025
State Tipoffs Involving Nebraska Newsletter for Sunday July 30, 2023 ( 9 items )  

Chadron State College: Strength and Conditioning Program Receives Accreditation
CHADRON, Nebraska, July 25 -- Chadron State College issued the following news release: Chadron State College's Strength and Conditioning degree program is one of nine undergraduate programs in the U.S. to earn accreditation from the Council on Accreditation in Strength and Conditioning Education (CASCE). Dr. Willie Hoffman, Health Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Professor and Strength and Conditioning Program Director, said the HPER Department started to prepare in 2018 when the Natio  more

Neb. A.G. Hilgers Joins Brief Asking U.S. Supreme Court to Reexamine Oft-Abused Legal Doctrine
LINCOLN, Nebraska, July 26 -- Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers issued the following news release: Attorney General Mike Hilgers joined a coalition of 27 states in a brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overrule--or at least clarify--the doctrine known as Chevron deference. The case, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, revolves around a regulation by the National Marine Fisheries Service that requires herring fishing boats to have an additional person on bo  more

Neb. Gov. Pillen Announces Valuations Reform Working Group
LINCOLN, Nebraska, July 26 -- Gov. Jim Pillen, R-Nebraska, issued the following news release: Governor Jim Pillen announced the membership of a new working group that will examine property valuations in Nebraska. "Valuation increases in Nebraska have become an unbearable burden for homeowners, businesses, and agriculture producers across our state," said Governor Jim Pillen. "We will find a solution that will reduce the burden of insurmountable valuation growth in recent years. It is our job t  more

Neb. Gov. Pillen Highlights Public Education Funding at Back to School News Conference
LINCOLN, Nebraska, July 28 -- Gov. Jim Pillen, R-Nebraska, issued the following news release on July 27, 2023: Flanked by teachers and school superintendents, Governor Jim Pillen hosted a Back to School news conference to highlight the historic investment into Nebraska's public education system during the past legislative session. "Today, is a celebration of what we as Nebraskans can do when we work together toward a common goal," said Gov. Pillen. "Our students are our future and every one of  more

Neb. Gov. Pillen: Four Nominees Forwarded for District Court Judge in the Fourth Judicial District
LINCOLN, Nebraska, July 28 -- Gov. Jim Pillen, R-Nebraska, issued the following news release on July 27, 2023: Today, the Judicial Nominating Commission for the District Court Judge in the Fourth Judicial District (Douglas County) provided the following four names for consideration by Governor Jim Pillen: Grant Forsberg, Joseph Kehm, Ryan Lindberg, and Derek Vaughn. All four are from Omaha. The primary place of office for the judicial vacancy is Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The vacancy i  more

Southeast Community College Earns Accreditation From HLC
LINCOLN, Nebraska, July 27 -- Southeast Community College issued the following news: The Higher Learning Commission granted reaffirmation of accreditation to Southeast Community College for a 10-year period expiring in July 2033. SCC hosted a team of six trained peer reviewers April 24-25, 2023, who evaluated the College's efforts to maintain the standards set by the HLC. "The Reaffirmation of Accreditation through HLC demonstrates the tremendous commitment, effort and openness of our collecti  more

University of Nebraska Medical Center: Funding to Enhance Timely Screenings, Referral for Brain Injury Among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
OMAHA, Nebraska, July 25 (TNSres) -- The University of Nebraska Medical Center issued the following news release: The University of Nebraska Medical Center recently received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to improve screening for brain injury among survivors of intimate partner violence. Shireen Rajaram, PhD, associate professor of health promotion in the UNMC College of Public Health and principal investigator of the grant, will collaborate with community-based organizations s  more

University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Hastings Teacher Earns 2023 Christa McAuliffe Prize
LINCOLN, Nebraska, July 27 -- The University of Nebraska Lincoln campus issued the following news release: Diane Biere, an English teacher at Hastings Middle School in Hastings, Nebraska, is the recipient of the 2023 Christa McAuliffe Prize for Courage and Excellence in Education. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Education and Human Sciences presents the annual award to a Nebraska teacher who exemplifies the character of McAuliffe, the first teacher in space, who died in the 198  more

University of Nebraska: Kristen Hassebrook Named Chief University Lobbyist
LINCOLN, Nebraska, July 29 -- The University of Nebraska issued the following news release on July 28, 2023: University of Nebraska System President Ted Carter announced today that he has named Kristen Hassebrook, a Nebraska attorney with more than a decade of experience in advocacy and policy at the local, state and federal levels, as NU's new chief lobbyist and associate vice president for government relations. Hassebrook, currently an associate at Mueller Robak LLC, a lobbying and governmen  more